How To Get Free N100 Survey On Geopoll Without App

Hello guys, I will be very brief on this one. I'm sure you all are aware of an App called Geopoll; well for those of you that are just reading it for the first time, Geopoll is GeoPoll is a mobile surveying platform revolutionizing the way data is collected. It conduct surveys through the mobile phone to help share your voice and opinions with the world. Its partners include non-profit and international organizations, and businesses worldwide.
Get Geopoll survey

Interestingly, Geopoll rewards you with free airtime when you complete a survey. Some of the surveys are very simple to the extent it won't take up to one minute while some are harder as you may need to visit some popular supermarkets, filling stations, hospitals etc to take photos. However, the more tedious your survey, the more amount of money you earn.

I was able to earn up to N1800 from the simple Geopoll survey tasks last year but after my survey opportunities stopped from the app, I stopped using the platform.

Maybe you are facing the same issues of not getting survey questions again from Geopoll, don't worry because I will show you how I now perform my own tasks without the Geopoll application. Sounds interesting right?

It's simple, just click on this link to earn 100 NGN upon completing the survey! You will use 0.5-1MB of your data.

NOTE: it is based on eligibility. Pray you are eligible so that you get your own free credit but if you are not eligible, you will receive a message like this one in screenshot.
Get free survey without Geopoll app

Anyway, if you are also interested in earning free survey money from the app, you can check this Geopoll post and see how I earn free airtime with it.

Good luck!

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1 comment:

  1. Have been using this app since last year and have earned close to 40k. Just that location matters
