You Can Now Disable Video Auto Play in Chrome Browser

In recent days, some websites uses video ads that automatically plays itself once a visitor visits the site. The video ads are intrusive and results to poor user experience but Google has added option to mute or disable such videos for any site.

Now Google is rolling out a new version of its Chrome web browser coming out as version 64 for all platforms. This version comes with a very useful new feature. You can now mute entire websites that autoplay video so you never have to fumble with the audio controls the next time you open the site.

To disable the disturbing video ad, simply right click on the tab and and select 'Mute site' to permanently mute it.

Also Google added better protection against Meltdown and Spectre attacks on Chrome. The browser has disabled the SharedArrayBuffer feature to prevent further attacks.

The Windows version also gets HDR support. If you have a Windows 10 PC running the latest Fall Creators Update, HDR-compatible hardware and HDR display, then you should be able to play HDR content in the browser, assuming you find any.

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1 comment:

  1. Nice thanks alot...
    I really need to upgrade the latest one.
