How to Disable or Turn Off "Last Seen" Feature on Instagram

Instagram added a new feature last week called Activity Status. This allows your Instagram followers to know some of your activities such as your "last seen" and your online status.

However, I noticed some users are not conformable with this feature. Some people don't want to be monitored for one reason or the other so it's because of these category of users that this post was written.

I am actually saying that there is a way to turn off the "last seen" feature on Instagram so that no one will know when you are online or offline.

By default, this feature is always activated meaning without your consent. It also means all of your connections on Instagram can tack your the last time you opened the app.

As we all know, both WhatsApp and Facebook has this feature. Remember, those platforms are owned by Mark Zuckerberg who also happens to be the owner of Instagram.

If you turn off the Activity Status feature on your Instagram, your followers won’t be able to see your instagram activity and you too won’t be able to track theirs but you can always see their posts, videos and vice versa. Follow below steps if you want to disable yours.

✔ Login to your Instagram account
✔️ Tap on your Profile Tab
✔️ Then tap the gear icon next to EDIT Profile
✔️ Now scroll down to Settings and toggle the switch next to Show Activity Status.

Once you have done this, the activity feature will be disabled.

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