The previous version of Telegram which was v4.6 came loaded with new features such as settings for auto-downloading media, better link previews, albums in Secret Chats, improved security, and embeds for messages from public groups and channels. Now Telegram has been updated with new version (v4.6) that supports multiple accounts.

Telegram 4.7 also has a feature that allows you swipe left to quickly reply any chat. This latest version is available for iOS and Android users so you can head over to the respective app stores to download or update yours in order to enjoy these features.
In Telegram v4.7 for iOS, you can tweak and customize it to look the way you want through the Appearance settings. There are four different themes available to choose from including a minimalistic one (“Day”) and two dark themes (“Night” and “Night Blue”). The “Day” theme also allows you to pick an accent color for the entire app, like pink or purple.
✔️ Multiple accounts and 'Swipe to reply' added in version 4.7:
✔️ Quickly switch between different Telegram accounts if you use multiple phone numbers.
✔️ Swipe left on any message to reply to it.

Before now, users are only limited to own one single Telegram account as it's on whatsapp except you use third-party apps or other unofficial tricks but now, with version 4.7, you can create and use multiple accounts if you are using more than one SIM. The Android version already support multiple themes and now you can have multiple accounts officially. You can add up to three accounts with different phone numbers to your Telegram app, and then quickly switch between them from the side menu.
You will still be receiving notifications from all accounts though you can change this in the Notification settings if you decide not to get notified.
This is yet another cool feature that is added on this version. You can now quickly reply to someones message by swiping left. It's that simple.
MUST SEE: Join WizyTechs Active Telegram Group Chat Here.
✔ Download Telegram 4.7 via this link.
I still maintain that Telegram is better than whatsapp. All it needs is more users and publicity. It packs many features that bits WhatsApp hands down. It's just that whatsapp has gain many people's heart already.
Telegram 4.7 also has a feature that allows you swipe left to quickly reply any chat. This latest version is available for iOS and Android users so you can head over to the respective app stores to download or update yours in order to enjoy these features.
In Telegram v4.7 for iOS, you can tweak and customize it to look the way you want through the Appearance settings. There are four different themes available to choose from including a minimalistic one (“Day”) and two dark themes (“Night” and “Night Blue”). The “Day” theme also allows you to pick an accent color for the entire app, like pink or purple.
✔️ Multiple accounts and 'Swipe to reply' added in version 4.7:
✔️ Quickly switch between different Telegram accounts if you use multiple phone numbers.
✔️ Swipe left on any message to reply to it.
Before now, users are only limited to own one single Telegram account as it's on whatsapp except you use third-party apps or other unofficial tricks but now, with version 4.7, you can create and use multiple accounts if you are using more than one SIM. The Android version already support multiple themes and now you can have multiple accounts officially. You can add up to three accounts with different phone numbers to your Telegram app, and then quickly switch between them from the side menu.
You will still be receiving notifications from all accounts though you can change this in the Notification settings if you decide not to get notified.
This is yet another cool feature that is added on this version. You can now quickly reply to someones message by swiping left. It's that simple.
MUST SEE: Join WizyTechs Active Telegram Group Chat Here.
✔ Download Telegram 4.7 via this link.
I still maintain that Telegram is better than whatsapp. All it needs is more users and publicity. It packs many features that bits WhatsApp hands down. It's just that whatsapp has gain many people's heart already.
Telegram updates sucks tho
ReplyDeleteYeah, whatsapp has taken over interms of popularity.