Checkout Blog Top Commentators of The Month Reward and Winners

Happy new week guys, I hope you had a very wonderful weekend. Well, it's that time of the month again when I give out free airtime for top and best commentors who usually drop their comments and help answer other people's questions via the comments section this blog.

Like I said in the previous month, I will be increasing the airtime reward for people that both comments on this blog and SpecNG Blog.

NOTE: the top commentors enjoy free airtime but the best overall commentator(s) enjoys more free airtime. For some months now, Paul Asuquo has been outstanding in his comments and he haven't shown any glimpse of stopping so he still wins overall best commentor this month.

Remember overall best commentator is someone that drops the most helpful and targeted comments relating to the particular post he or she is commenting on.

Though Hassan is trying and closely following Paul's footsteps but he still needs to do more, I noticed some of his comments aren't related to the post he is commenting on, and some are copied from other locations and pasted here in the comments box. Once he improves on this aspect, he will most likely compete favorably for overall best commentor. Checkout the beneficiaries for this month.


  1. Paul Asuquo (N1,000 Airtime)
  2. Hassan (400 Airtime)
  3. Hussaini (N200 airtime)
  4. Sir Mike (N200 Airtime)
  5. Okafor Daniel Ugochukwu (N200 Airtime)
The reason why Paul and Hassan got higher airtime is because they both visit wizytechs blog and SpecNG Blog an also comments on both blogs. You can be the next winner.

So if your name appeared above, kindly drop your number and your airtime will be sent to you.

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  1. Wow I never knew I could come up, I was too busy this month not sure of next. Thanks this my number always this


    1. Do you still recall one of my replies to your comments that one should be running after stuffs that brings in real money.

      I truly missed your comments.

    2. Congratulations to you once again

  2. What a wonderful way to start a new week. Thanks brother for being an instrument of blessing to others

  3. I also want to congratulate other winners and urge them to do more so as to move this blog higher.

    I should have waited a while before subscribing for airtel 3g cos i would have used this airtime for that.

    But anyways, thanks and remain blessed.

  4. Here is my contact


    1. Thanks for the airtime. I will drop more comments when I'm through with my official business at the bank.

    2. Thanks for the airtime. I will drop more comments when I'm through with my official business at the bank.

  5. Thanks oga wizy here is my number 07083616072 Airtel

    1. Lemme share in your moments of joy by congratulating you once more even though you are yet to do same to me.


  6. oga wizy we appreciate ur effort toward giving airtime to top commentators every month may this blog be top and best among other is my airtel number 08122497495.

    1. Lemme share in your moments of joy by congratulating you once more even though you are yet to do same to me.

      Congratulations to you my lovely friend

  7. You really doing a good work wizytechs, keep up the good

  8. @wizy I disagree with what you said, you didn't mentioned that you are going to reward those who comment on specs ng blog, you only said that we should also visit specs ng blog

    1. I will equally disagree with you on this erroneous claim of yours. He actually mentioned that we should be commenting in both blogs.

      Give me a while and i will show you proof.

  9. As earlier on said, I'm here to re affirm that wizytechs had actually said we should be commenting on both blogs.
    Here comes the confirmation that wizytechs actually said we should always comment on both blogs.

    Scroll to second to the last paragraph and confirm by yourself.

    Next time cross check your facts before posting so that you don't mislead others.


  10. 😧😧😧😧😢😢😢😢😢😢 I no dey the list oo. I go cry till this month end oo. Isorite

  11. Wooo!!!!!
    Lucky for u y a guys
    I will try harder next time

  12. Wow thanks wizy the solution man
    08164651003 mtn

    1. Lemme share in your moments of joy by congratulating you once more even though you are yet to do same to me.

      Congratulations to you our newest winner.

  13. There is a new month ahead of us
