Beware of CopyCat Malware, 14M Android Phones Infected

There is a new dangerous Android malware in circulation right now called CopyCat and it has reportedly infected over 14 million devices globally.

At the moment, 280,000 Android devices has been affected by CopyCat in the US alone. Though Google has been tracking the malware since 2015 and the company has updated PlayProtect to block CopyCat. However, millions of devices are still getting attacked via third-party app downloads and phishing attacks.


The CopyCat virus pretends to be a popular app to confuse you and once it is downloaded on your phone, the app collects data about the infected device and downloads rootkits to ease root the phone, essentially eliminating the security system. Then, CopyCat downloads fake apps, as well as taking control of the device’s Zygote, (launcher for every app on your phone). Immediately the malware has control of the Zygote, your phone is olin its total control and it knows every app you download, as well as every app you open. After that, the malware can now be able to replace the Referral ID on your apps with its own, which redirects ad revenue to the hackers instead of to your app’s creators. So far, CopyCat has helped hackers make over $1.5 million.

According to researchers at Checkpoint,
the malware basically roots devices and hijacks apps to make millions in fraudulent revenue. The majority of the devices affected by the CopyCat malware are in Asia right now, but this does not mean that devices in other places are safe.


We can't really tell exactly the creators of this dangerous malware but considering the fact that CopyCat Virus checks to see if the infected device is located in China and sparing devices from that region, it could be a signal that the perpetrators of the cyberattack are located in China and are trying to avoid police investigation. The attack hit its highest number of victims between April and May of last year, but it still affects Android users today, especially those that use Android 5.0 and earlier Android versions. Also, users who download apps from third-party sites are at risk.

SEE ALSO... Beware of JUDY Virus


✔ It's advisable to use an updated Android phone with new OS version especially if it's your main phone for carrying out sensitive transactions and works.

✔ Also, you should endeavor to always install apps from Playstore or trusted sites.

✔ Be very careful when collecting apps from your friend's phones or via laptops

✔ Ensure your memory card isn't used on another person's phone or laptop. Alternatively, make sure you format an SD card before using on your phone.

✔ Be careful when installing apps shared on social media like whatsapp and telegram.

Stay safe!!

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  1. Thanks for Your informative update

  2. thanks for ur lovely update.

  3. This is ganster. Much appreciated....Thanks wizy!

  4. ah,...
    lets try and stay safe o..

  5. I have just been enlightened more than i was.

    Thanks for such an Educative update

  6. A powerful and fast-spreading Android malware strain dubbed CopyCat has infected 14 million Android devices and it happened within a short period of time, what measures were taken by Google ever since it was reported to them?

  7. This particular info has been reported widely on the net and If you guys are interested in numbers, then check this out. After the infection of CopyCat, about 3.8 million devices served fraudulent ads, 4.9 million fake apps were installed, and 4.4 million devices stole credit for installing applications. It should be noted that the CopyCat malware reached its peak between April and May 2016.

  8. permit me the liberty to give a flash back post relating to this topic could remember that you post a topic about dvmap virus saying that it is a deadly virus which affects mobile phone,now coming to this new virus it seems that the virus is not friendly to mobile phones I even thought that the dvmap virus has gone into existence for another deadly virus is now looking for mobile phone to affect,so I pray it won't affect mine because from this recent post about this new virus I can see that it is widely distributing and those who are found of collecting and sending of app and other files can easily contact the copycat we should be careful in terms of transfering and receiving of apps.thanks

  9. This is one of the the major disadvantages of Android being an open source. Since I have been using an Android OS I have never been infected by any of this virus only keep hearing about them, it seems Nigeria is far removed from their target.

  10. that's why one must always be careful wid d way he/she collects an app from a friend or even fill out some forms while surfing the net cos sum apps are customise to look exactly as d original just for penetration/manipulation purpose..

  11. am sorry for providing a wrong link here is the link provided in my comment.pls permit me the liberty to give a flash back post relating to this topic i I could remember that you post a topic about dvmap virus saying that it isa deadly virus which affects mobile phone,now coming to this new virus it seems that the virus is not friendly to mobile phones I even thought that the dvmap virus has gone into existence for another deadly virus is now looking for mobile phone to affect,so I pray it won't affect mine because from this recent postabout this new virus I can see that it is widely distributing and those who are found of collecting and sending of app and other files can easily contact the copycat we should be careful in terms of transfering and receiving of apps.thanks

  12. I have read about many other virua from this blog and I see that this very virus is very very dangerous not even the Play Store application can be trusted to all you need to do is that you should install a very trusted security system on your phone to avoid all these dangerous virus coming to your phone that's the best way and you do not download app anyhow and as for me my phone is save from this virus those who has been infected by virus so sorry to them this has really made hackers a hug amount of money thanks for sharing this with us

  13. based on the extra research I got online,i read a news saying that Google has finally introduced Playprotect to block copycat from affecting users from playstore but still yet, the malware still attacks through third-party apps and phishing. Meanwhile, Google has been tracking the malware since 2015.thanks

  14. from what I got online the said virus has been in existence "Since April 24, when the article below was first published, Check Point researchers learned that the FalseGuide attack is far more extensive than originally understood,"

  15. here are the preventive measures for you not to get attack by the virus

  16. 1. Disable third-party app download

  17. 2. Don’t open unknown links

  18. 3. Download apps from trusted developers

  19. 4.update ur app from trusted site or from play store

  20. guys with this I hope you won't contact the virus only if you follow this preventive measures.thanks
