How To Recover Over Scratched Recharge Card With MyMTNApp

Have you ever over-scratched your recharge card? That's you mistakenly scratched out or pill off some numbers in your recharge card PIN? Worry no more. In fact, don't bother calling customer service or contacting them on social media because you can still retrieve the recharge card PIN by yourself via MyMTNapp which is a powerful self service tool for all MTN customers.

With MyMTNApp, you can recover the missing digits in your over-scratched pin by providing the serial number of the recharge card and the other visible digits.


Simply download the myMTNapp, log in and select 'load over scratched recharge card' option, enter the details and recover.

For more explanation and guidelines, See below video for step by step instructions.

The app is available on Google Play and Apple Store.

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  1. I dey buy card from my account since dey start to add 10naira in the amount of card for my side

  2. Thanks for this wonderful update. I'm gonna try this out soon

  3. Wizy you're truly on track, this is actually one of the most important features of MyMTN app.

    I hope MTN's Customer Service Bot (Temzy) can also render this service, it would really make sense.

  4. Thanks for Your informative update

  5. Thanks for the undates boss wizy.

    You wonderful👍👍👍

  6. Thanks for this update bro

  7. How i wished all other network would take this format
