Poll: Which Free Browsing Trick Are You Using Now?

Hello guys, kindly come in here and submit your vote on which free browsing trick you are currently enjoying on your phone. Your votes are really needed to help me and other readers of this blog know which browsing trick is currently blazing for most people.

Some cheats usually work for some people or let me say some SIM cards but doesn't work on others. The same thing happens in locations as people staying where there is no 3G network finds it hard to connect VPN apps. So let's know the most popular cheat at the moment.

Your votes are highly welcomed and the result will help me and other tweakers make the best decision on which network to check out for.

It's simple, just click or tap on the free browsing cheat you are using now, then click on VOTE  and you will see the score. Meanwhile, if you aren't using any, then click no free browsing

We publish free browsing cheats in order to call the attention of the concerned network provider to fix their loophole. So we don't have any bad intention on that. Thanks for understanding.

Let the vote begin. Please don't forget to click the share button and share it on Facebook or Twitter for others to vote as well. 


  1. I prefer Etisalat ooo,the network na Baba Saaltechs 

  2. I don't think I can vote service I'm using before the network notice it block it

  3. I am using 1GB for #500 from MTN bcox etisalat is not longer working in my area

    1. As long as u are paying for it, it's not a cheat.

  4. Do i need an app for d mtn cheat

  5. I'm not using any free browsing

  6. Noting is works now just using glo 500 for 1.6GB because glo is fast in my area

  7. etisalat is still working for me.

  8. I still can't find any cheat that'll beat mtn simpleserver, as in eh I can use 20gb per day on it... God bless mtn oo.. commenting from www.techvsentz.com

  9. I bought etisalat 6G for 1k....please how ste these guys accumulating their datas
