What I Noticed About Etisalat Daily 60MB Free Browsing Trick

Ever since Etisalat remote tweak unlimited free browsing trick was blocked, most people reverted to the 0.00kb 60mb daily free browsing but I noticed something different from usual. I don't know if you noticed similar change too.

What I noticed? Well, I observed the 0.00kb cheat is no more up to 60mb, not even up to 40mb sometimes. This tweak has been available since last year and it has helped so many people especially those who couldn't afford data plans on frequent basis.

So I want to know if any of you noticed the same change. Remember Glo 0.00kb is an alternative to this Etisalat cheat. In fact, the glo cheat is unlimited but the drawback is poor network in most areas. Only God knows when Glo will fix their network wahala.

Having said that, I still believe that half bread is better than non. Even the free 40mb will be enough for some people to chat, Facebook and read stuffs online pending the time a better tweak is released here on this blog. Happy browsing😁

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  1. Yeah i noticed that too,i hope etisalat ll not block it totally

  2. I yes I notice it but I change it to closemodal and it work perfectly

    1. In dat case then let us give your idea a try

    2. I don't understand Gaddafi

      What's Closemodal


    3. sir Mike the Etisalat 0.0 come with three different settings there's the one with openmodal and the with closemodal at end

  3. Replies
    1. Mine stop @ 42mb.

      I thought it was a network issue dat is y i ignore it

  4. Same issue was related to me last night by a friend but he never knew that there was no Etisalat network in my location

    1. All this na wahala I prepared to buy 3g @ 1000

    2. Same here paul

      No Etisalat network here

      But GLO is far more better

    3. as for me I use Glo 0.0 on tweakware atlist I use 2gb per day on my PC and my Android

  5. Good observation wizy

    I was even about to comment on this issue

  6. 60 mb is not enough for my daily usage

  7. I always use 150+mb daily for browsing only,not with downloading

  8. Mine was 45mb before now is 50mb,

  9. This comment has been removed by the author.

  10. since i notice it........ but i think it depends on sims

  11. but some sims is not even browsing

  12. mine is 50mb and do not connect until the next day

  13. The Glo 0.0k cheat doesn't browse for my sim anymore, either on tweakware or stark VPN, it will just connect and disconnect but before the etisalat remote tweak cheat I could use it to download a lot, any idea what's wrong?
