How To Browse Faster on MTN Network With Your Phone

You are here probably because your MTN browsing is not fast and I want to assure you that you are in the right place at the right time because I have a very simple trick for you that can help boost your browsing experience with your on MTN with your mobile phone.

MTN is undoubtedly, one of the best (if not the best) networks with widest coverage areas in Africa and Nigeria in particular. Lately, the network has improved dramatically when its rivals are still battling with poor signal coverage.

However, that doesn't mean there aren't places with terrible mtn network coverage and in some cases, even some people in the areas with good coverage still get complains of slow browsing experience or Internet connection and you start wondering why it's like that. Well, atimes, we are the cause of some minor things that happens with our gadgets.

In this post, I will reveal a simple tick you should apply to effect the change from slow to fast browsing experience on MTN network. Follow me along.


The main culprit to slow Internet connection sometimes is wrong APN and VPN settings. So use below APN to replace the one you have at the moment. But if yours is same as the one here, just leave it. The problem is from the network coverage in your area.

✔️ Go to your Network settings
✔️ Select the MTN APN configuration settings and carry out the following configurations on it:

Name: MTN NG
APN Type: Tick Default & Supl
In Proxy, leave everything Blank
In Port, also leave everything Blank
Username: web
Password: web

Now, Save the APN setting.
Now, launch your Browser and start browsing. You will experience better stability and speed.

SEE ALSO... MTN Data Plans 2017

As common as the settings is, you never can tell how effective it is in regards to MTN Internet connection. SHARE with your friends on Facebook and Twitter by hitting the share buttons below. Happy browsing.

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  1. Pls sir I want to know more about infinix Hot 4pro. Pls.

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  2. not helpful at all...
    thought u wanted to tell us something different

  3. Thanks so much for your help sir! I shall try it out!

  4. Replies
    1. That your wish will only happen in our country not Nigeria

    2. Lol Francis yav drink weed abi?

  5. I have 4gb on my Mtn sim but I can't use it pls help me out

  6. I have 4gb on my Mtn sim but I can't use it pls help me out

  7. mtn is super speed with dis settings

  8. mtn is super speed with dis settings

  9. Dem can frustrate pesin during night browsing

  10. Dem go suck pesin money still dem no go deliver

  11. I thought that is default setting for MTN
