People Sent Whooping 63 billion WhatsApp Messages on New Years Eve

WhatsApp has grown to the extent of being part of our lives. Could you imagine that users all over the world sent a whopping 63 billion WhatsApp messages on new years eve according to facebook report.

Recall that WhatsApp is also owned by the founder of Facebook, who also owns the mobile messaging service. Of the total, nearly 14 billion messages were sent in India alone.

About 8 billion of the messages where images, nearly 2.5 billion messages were videos, a WhatsApp spokesperson revealed.

This is a huge rise in figure because back then in April 2016, Facebook Messenger and WhatsApp recording a combined 60 billion messages sent on the two platforms. WhatsApp alone was responsible for 30 billion messages a day back in January 2016 - that figure jumped to 42 billion in February.

Now you have seen the amazing increase. Can you do without WhatsApp for 3 days?


  1. this kind statistics hope our privacy ain't being exploited in any sort
    hope say our messages remains private to us ooooh

  2. na Happy new year gretings go plenty

  3. people are now enjoying whatsapp more than Facebook messager

  4. Lol
    can do without it for 3days!

  5. That is the most used utility of the messenger apps that people use these apps to convey their festive wishes, cards & using emoticons make the conversation more funny & interesting. Being super user-friendly is the most advantageous thing in these apps and that is the reason that people are taking a huge interest in these.

  6. I can't imagine 3 days without whattsapp.
    Especially now dat i am rocking my eti 00 for d past 5 months.
    All thanks to wizy u r d best man
