5 Ways Technology Is Changing Our Legal System

Our legal system has changed radically in the past decade -- and much of this has to do with the development of new technology. Not only has technology changed the way many legal firms operate,
but it's also been changing many of the primary legal concerns that lawyers are required to address.
E-Discovery Is Becoming CommonplaceIn the past, the process of discovery had to be completed manually. Often, large reams of documents
were sent to the firm to be combed through and sorted by staff members. Today, e-discovery is rapidly replacing this manual process. Through e-discovery, documents can be digitized and then automatically searched for relevance, vastly reducing the amount of time required.

Technology Can Outpace Laws
Technology is advancing so rapidly that laws are often struggling to keep up. A relevant example deals with drones. Modern drones have advanced so significantly that FAA regulations and other laws have not yet caught up. This means that cases that involve drones may reside in a legal gray area -- and it means that any such case can set important precedent.

Global Concerns Are Becoming Much Larger
Today's lawyers almost need to be well-versed in international law. In fact, simply having someone on staff with an international relations online degree can help a legal firm with their operations. As the Internet has developed a global market and a global community, global legal concerns have also arisen. Lawyers are now finding themselves dealing with everything from international trade deals to child custody cases that cross country lines.

Artificial Intelligence Is Automating Many Processes
Many larger firms are now adopting machine learning and artificial intelligence in order to help them
with their case work. In fact, the world's first artificially intelligent lawyer was released in May of 2016. This will likely make simple cases far easier to manage -- and make litigation more affordable for the average individual.
As of now, the artificially intelligent lawyer can really only manage very simple disputes. In the future, machine learning and advanced algorithms may make it possible for the lawyer to take on cases of greater complexity. Ultimately, human lawyers may work side-by- side with AI systems to determine the right path for many cases.

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Security Knowledge Is Becoming Critical
Legal firms now need to devote a significant amount of time and energy to ensuring that their facility is entirely secure. With more records and communications being transferred digitally than ever before -- and cloud systems becoming very popular -- legal firms have to do their best to lock down their
information, while still being able to back up their systems. As technology continues to advance, it's likely that it will be even further integrated into both the legal profession and the legal system. Laws will need to be able to evolve quickly to meet newer technologies, and lawyers will need to embrace new technology in order to remain competitive.

Guest Post:
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By: Kara Masterson 
Contact: karamasterson@gmail.com


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