Google Voice also enable you to send free text messages, customize your voicemail, read voicemail text transcript, and lots more. Google's voicemail service previously required a Google Voice invite code to setup, but now, it's available for free to all Gmail users.
In this post, i will reveal some of the amazing things you can do with the app on your android device.
1. Call a number.
You can say, “OK Google. Call My Brother.” The app will asks for which of his numbers I want to dial. I say, “The first,” and it dials him.
2. Take a picture
Say, “OK Google. Take a picture,” and it launches the camera ready for you to snap away
3. Record a video.
Say, “OK Google. Record a video,” and launches the camera in video recording mode
4. Open webpages.
For example, I go, “OK Google, open WizyTechs.com,” and it launches the browser and loads this blog.
5. Post to Twitter.
Say, “OK Google. Post to Twitter. “Hello guys. Its going to be a great day.” Then tell it to send the displayed text.
6. Compose and send messages
E.g. via WhatsApp. Say, for example, “OK Google. Send WhatsApp message to dad. Hello dad. I hope you’re doing fine.” Dad has two numbers, so the app displays both and asks me which account I want to send to. I respond with “The first one.” It composes the message and displays it for me to see. When I say, “Send,” it sends it. Simple. No hands involved.
7. Create Calendar appointments and reminders.
Just say, “oK Google. Create appointment,” and follow the voice prompts.
If you do not wish to proceed with a command you have issued, just say, “Cancel.” The app cancels the action. If you need to modify a message or entry that you have dictated, just say, “Change.”
8. Language
Interesting, you can now change your preferred language on the app and there are bunch of local languages you can select from.
Available Nigerian languages include: Yoruba (listed as Ede Yoruba), Hausa, Igbo, and Nigerian Pidgin. Just select the one you can use on the app.
9. Recognising Complex Names
Normally, Google Voice isn’t cool at recognising many non-American/European names, at least when using it in English mode as I do. An Igbo name like Chinedu is probably going to be mistaken for another word. What can you do? You can modify such a contact by including an easy nickname in the name field. Then use that nickname when using Google Voice and you are good to go.
10. Adding Punctuation
It's obvious Google voice doesn't know punctuation but you can lecture it and help it understand with a simple trick. When inserting proper punctuation, you have to dictate this way, “How are you this morning [question mark] I hope you are fine [full stop]” The app types this command out as “How are you this morning? I hope you are fine.”
11. When Your Phone Is Locked
Also, Google Voice can be used from a locked screen. Just say “OK Google” and give your command. It will unlock the phone. However, if your phone has a password, PIN or pattern lock, Google Voice will tell you that you need to unlock your device for it to be able to carry out your commands. via
Download Google Voice Apk Android App Here
I hope you learned something new from this piece, kindly SHARE with your friends.
Not available in nigeria
ReplyDeleteNot Available, downloaded the apk file. still can't register. help out
ReplyDeletesame here bro its kinda need d pc to fully register
ReplyDeletehow sir when using PC @ Team S. E. S
ReplyDeleteI experienced the same issue of incompatibility and i had to download it from a third party site
ReplyDeleteAfter which i logged into Google play store and updated it. Everything is working fine
ReplyDeleteUpon checking back the link, i still had the same issue but all the same I'm having a nice time with this app.