Coming Soon: Siri Support For WhatsApp

Siri, which is Apple's Voice Assistant is coming to WhatsApp soon according to a reliable source

Siri is a built-in "intelligent assistant" that enables users of Apple iPhone 4S and later and newer iPad and iPod Touch devices to speak natural language voice commands in order to operate the mobile device and its apps.

What Will Siri Bring To WhatsApp?
With Siri, iOS users will be able to read and send WhatsApp messages as well as make WhatsApp calls on iOS devices by just speaking to WhatsApp without typing text.

While this feature is not yet made official by WhatsApp, a "leak" shows that explanation text that's appears to users when prompted to give WhatsApp access to Siri - suggests this. See below text

Unfortunately Siri can only be used by Apple users so android fellows will be watching behind as this unfolds. Also latest iOS 10, will now allow the integration of the virtual assistant with third-party apps unlike before. Which is a welcomed development.

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