Be very careful when purchasing stuffs in the market as sellers are now using different dubious means to disguise and sale fake products as original. Last year, some people reported how they were deceived in Computer Village Lagos. One bought an iPhone of about N109,000 but when she got home, she realized that it was just a cloned Chinese iPhone.
Another person recounted how he was deceived and given a carton of stone instead of a blackberry phone they displayed while he was ordering for the product. I don't know whether they use cha~rm or not. This time around, they have advanced to another level.
A user on Nairaland was the victim this time around. Checkout what he said in quote.
"Am a fan of BB authentic charger not until the day one of my charger was bad so I had to make a switch with another part of my other spoilt one. There is a general knowledge that the charger with more mass is original due to the presence of mini transformer inside.Only for me to open the fake BB charger and I found a metal of about 20g inside to support the weight to make the fake have weight like the original. Pls be warned Nigerians. Pics below of both fake and original".

You can recall that Infinix Mobile released an official statement and description of an original charger and a fake charger. I will advise you to read the article; How to spot a fake Infinix charger. After reading the article, you will be in a better position to identify and differentiate between a fake and an original phone charger.
Another person recounted how he was deceived and given a carton of stone instead of a blackberry phone they displayed while he was ordering for the product. I don't know whether they use cha~rm or not. This time around, they have advanced to another level.
A user on Nairaland was the victim this time around. Checkout what he said in quote.
"Am a fan of BB authentic charger not until the day one of my charger was bad so I had to make a switch with another part of my other spoilt one. There is a general knowledge that the charger with more mass is original due to the presence of mini transformer inside.Only for me to open the fake BB charger and I found a metal of about 20g inside to support the weight to make the fake have weight like the original. Pls be warned Nigerians. Pics below of both fake and original".

You can recall that Infinix Mobile released an official statement and description of an original charger and a fake charger. I will advise you to read the article; How to spot a fake Infinix charger. After reading the article, you will be in a better position to identify and differentiate between a fake and an original phone charger.
That must have been made in nigeria.we will always look for ways to cheat.what a shame.
ReplyDeleteThis is a case of stealing by trick and the seller should be arrested so that he could show us where he ordered the charger from
ReplyDeleteMay the almighty God save us from the hands of dubious marketers