How To Delete All Messages In Your Facebook Inbox At Once - The Simple Trick

Over the time, you will notice that all your Facebook conversation accumulate and the chat history increases with time. For instance if you have been on Facebook for over 7 years, you will agree with me that there will be thousands of chats history on your facebook inbox and i know you have thought about a way to delete all of them at once but not possible 🙆.

One of the major reason behind this thought of deleting past messages on Facebook is security and for people spying on your conversations especially your girlfriend or boyfriend, even your spouse.

Normally, Facebook didn't provide a way to delete all messages at once so this means you have to delete each messages individually which is very stressful and time consuming especially when you have been on Facebook for a long time.

I even contacted Facebook support team to enquire about the possibility of deleting all conversations on Facebook at once without deleting them individually but they replied that it is not possible as you can see from the screenshot below.

So i increased my research and finally i got the trick. So i will share it with you because I know a lot of people have also been looking for this trick. Follow me along as i reveal the secret to you in a jiffy.

How Can I Delete All Messages In My Facebook Inbox At Once?

First Step
Download “Facebook – delete all messages ” extension and add the extension to your chrome browser as we are making use of PC for this trick

Second Step
Then log into your Facebook account and go to your inbox where you get to see all messages you’ve with your friends.

Third Step
Now at the right corner of your chrome browser, you’ll see the extension icon, just click on it and instructions on how to use the extension would be shown to you immediately.

Fourth Step
Finally, you have to click on the "begin delete button", and as soon as you have done that, a pop up message will come out confirming your action to delete all Facebook messages, just click OK.

That's all. All your Facebook chat history and messages will be deleted at once as simple as that.


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  1. Yeah it was very useful but the other issue is that about 95% of your readers don't use PC for Facebook, so what's the alternative for mobile

  2. Yeah it was very useful but the other issue is that about 95% of your readers don't use PC for Facebook, so what's the alternative for mobile
