Today's Etisalat Stable IP For Browsing On Sociame And 0.00 Tweaks

Hello guys, you opened this post probably because you are using Etisalat line to brows. we all know that our IPs and Ports occasionally stops working and this is not cool at all as most times it happens when we have important stuffs to do online so i decided to be releasing free IP and Ports for Etisalat social me and chatpak users here to solve that problem.

Though Etisalat socialme connects without IP but it frequently disconnects especially when downloading but with this IP, it won't disconnect. The only issue you will worry about will be speed throttling of which doesn't exceed 90kb/s

I assume you know how to configure your Psiphon for Etisalat socialme and chatpak tweaks. So use below IP and Port if yours has stopped working. Remember IP is same as host address.

Where Is The IP?
Port: 8080

IP: (still as of 13th May, 2016)
Port: 3128

However if you are new to tweaking Psiphon for Etisalat socialme or 0.00 tweak and you wnat to know how to setup the proxy server and others, check below guides...

Click Here for video tutorial
Click Here for written tutorial

If you received a message from Etisalat that you have used up your smartpak data allocated to, simply opt out by dialing *343*5*0# and opt in again either with the weekly sub by dialing *343*6*10# or the monthly sub by dialing *343*6*11#
Socialme is not capped as i have used more than 3GB since yesterday on monthly subscription.

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  1. Oga Wizy help me, i got this messge from etisalat that i have used the maximum mb for my social me and that if i continue browsing, i will be charged from my other accounts. what will i do? or is it now data capped?

    1. From the comments we have received so far, it seems it is now capped but not on all Etisalat SIM because am still using mine without even recieving the message of maximum data usage. Will keep u updated with the best solution

  2. must one be on social me for 0.0 to flow?

  3. Apart from this ip things, hope that etisalat has already blocked these socialme or chatpack sub.. Because anytime i put the ip, it doesn't work.. Solution pls

  4. 09052573916.. please add me to ur group

    1. Yea.....anytime I tick connect through http and use the I.p,it won't connect(atime connect without I.p

  5. Oga Wizy i did my weekly social me yesterday so as i was using it dis morning I just receive a message from etisalat dat i used up to my mb immediately my VPN disconnect pls wats going on

  6. mine always stops working anytime I put the IP

  7. please add me to ur whatsapp group wizytech. 07065290109

  8. Oga wazy what APN will i used with pls

  9. GOOD DAY WIZY, i guss etisalat has blocked the socialme and chatpack sub. it no more working and my friends are saying thesame thing.

    1. As of today, i can say that Etisalat socialme weekly subscription is no more working with any VPN but the monthly is still working

  10. pls add me 2 ur whatsapp group 09095487624

  11. It's really sad. I enjoyed this tweak using Tweakware. Please Wiz, add me to your group. 07033801718. Thanks

  12. wizzy pls help My monthly sub is not working

  13. please wizy add me (08179285331)

  14. I'm usin d monthly sub and it's still workin but not with d abv IP's. Usin d old settings whr u hv as realproxy server and u untick d boxes in More optns.

    Pls add me to ur group... 08062286191.
    Ur doin an excellent job here. Keep it up.

  15. Oga Wizy abeg add me to ur watsap group 07069690038

  16. 08176112098, what u said is through wizy about d data cap. I was rocking b4 unlimitedly even when others. Where complaining. But my is now data cap too.
