How To Browse Unlimited With Airtel WTF *990#, *991# Data Plan

I know you might be aware of this package because it has been in existence since 2014 but if you are hearing it for the first time, let's welcome you to "Airtel WTF data bundle"

The very hilarious part about this plan is the name Airtel gave to it. I know they didn't mean "What The F^^k" but that acronym simply means "Whatsapp Twitter Facebook".
The plan is made for peeps that are always using social media apps 24/7 as you can facebook, whatsapp, tweet and even use BBM with this bundle.

How Many MB Is On Airtel WTF Data Bundle?
This has been a major debate since the introduction of this plan by airtel. The Nigerian Telco said it's unlimited when it was initially introduced but later some people realized it is data capped at 30MB for the 14 day plan which goes for N100 while the monthly data plan is capped at 80MB and goes for N200

But Why Did I Say It Is Unlimited?
A friend of mine recently told me that he is now using this airtel WTF package unlimitedly for a couple of months now and he was also able to use it to brows the Internet unlimited. So i decided to try it with one of my airtel SIM cards. I subscribed for the monthly plan which is 200 Naira and since then i have been using it brows on the phone as well as for social media. I did it for two more people and they are currently rocking it unlimited so i decided to share with you guys so that you can try it out.

How Can I Subscribe To Airtel WTF Bundle?
=> To get the bundle plan for one month, dial *990# for just N200
=> And to get the bundle for one week, dial *991# for just N100

How Can I Check The Data Balance?
To check your data balance, dial *990*0#

How To Brows Unlimited On The Internet With It
As i told you earlier, you can browse with this plan which is only meant for social media but the trick is changing your airtel APN to the right one and use Opera Mini to brows as it doesn't work on UC browser. Am still trying to see how to use it on PC and maybe use it to power all applications using VPN apps like Psiphon and Netloop.

Use this airtel APN –

I think this is cool if you successfully do it on your SIM. Let's see how far it will go. Remember to download WizyTechs App for faster browsing and commenting. If you are still confused, ask your question on the comment box and you will get reply asap.

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  1. Can we download with it also or just browsing. Thanks for your work boss

  2. So it isn't all our apps that'll work then?

    1. Only opera mini and other social media apps like Facebook, whatsapp, BBM, twitter etc

  3. Unlimited?

    After doing the subscription and changing the apn, am free to browse still the validity date?


    1. Boss, please help us do something to it, I guess it should be working for all apps like etisalat social me, accepted if it can't download.


    2. Ok
      Hope to hear good feedback.
      If is working for YouTube, I swear am ok baje baje.

      Weldone sir

  4. Who has tested it.

  5. Wizy can i use it 2geda with mu airtel 3gb sub?

    1. I don't really know bro as i haven't done it on a libe with the 3gb plan

  6. Thanks wizy for the tips
    Buh I prefare the 1k for 3gb
    Which u thought me bro
    U dey front sit man

  7. I know Wizy and i know he would come out with something nice.
    I just tried it and its working flawlessly with opera mini and all other social media are also working.

    But i tried to stream video on YouTube, it stopped after 15 seconds but opera and others are still working.

    Guys givenit a try. I think this is cool. Thanks my Oga Wizy for always being here for us

    1. Saga, thanks for the compliments. Enjoy!

    2. The plan is in no way unlimited. Man has been using it for ages now, Yes it powers opera and some social Apps but once you have exhausted your 80mb you are done

  8. Nice one Mr Wizy

  9. Boss man wizy
    Ever working 🙌🙌
    Just want to as does it work with instagram and youtube?

  10. Pls oga Wizy is airtel blackberry 3gb still work on android? and how can use it

  11. Oga wizy...thanks for the tips...higher you ijn..please add me to the whatsapp group with this no 08066157490....need to discuss somethings with you!!!

  12. Please add 09095482901 to your group.

  13. Bros pls is it compulsry for me to download both d mtk and mobile uncle together to change the imei cos am able to download only the mtk

  14. Please add 09095482901 to ur group.

  15. Pls wizzy how can I get the airtel 3gig for 1k

  16. Unlimited ke...if I capped oo av tested it...

  17. Pls wizy I downloaded ur app but I cant comment tru it, its d latest version ooo, pls I will like to be in ur whatsapp group here is my number 08085719061

    1. Hi Kenny, it is very very easy to comment through the app than even using UC browser. Try it again and see if there is something u ain't getting right

  18. Pls add me 08087174466 to your WhatsApp group

  19. I have no questions but let me just. Comment

    Huuuurray. Thanks for your hardworks.

  20. Can we etisalat blackberry 3gb on android ?

  21. Plz boss Wizy f baby does dis airtel stuff download? 2ndly is it really unlimited cus seems sum guys are saying wen 1nes d 80mb is exhausted it will stop plz I need ur answers

  22. Old add my number to your whatsapp group 07069215360.

  23. plz wizzy f baby I need ur answers over my question I asked earlier b4 now oo

    1. Hi Bobby, sorry for late reply. No it doesn't download but its unlimited once u change the APN to the one i posted on this article.

  24. wizy after the 80mb finished it stopped working(the WTF) plan

  25. pls how can i use WTF plan onmy z10
