You Can Now Report Any Bank That Charges You Excessively To CBN

Nigerians has now been given the freedom to report any bank in which they are doing business with that Charges them illegally or Excessively direct to Central Bank Of Nigeria.

You can recall that recently Nigeria Communication Commission (NCC) gave similar privilege to Nigerians making use of telecommunication networks which includes me and you that are using cell phones to Report Any network operator that Charges Excessively or deducts money illegally from their SIM cards.

HINT: To report any GSM network provider like MTN, Glo, Etialat or Airtel to NCC for extra charges or disturbing SMS, just dial this toll free number 622 to lay your complaint.

Now that we have the privilege to report our banks that Charges us illegally, I think it will put some fear on them and make them cautious next time. It's another good news from the government.

According to what CBN representative Ibrahim Mu'azu said; "in a bid to put a stop to the series of complaints from bank customers alleging excessive and, in some cases, illegal charges from their respective banksaround the country, the central bank of Nigeria (CBN) has urged bank customers to report illegal and excessive charges by their banks to it (CBN)."

You as a bank customer is obliged to send your complaints to the Director, Consumer Protection Department with this email

This is our right and our turn to stand for our right. Let's not sit and watch others mess around with our hard earned money.

You can get the full information from CBN about this with this link

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