MUST READ: Top Benefits and Advantages of ROOTING Your SmartPhone

Phone rooting is the act of breaking the stronghold that limits you from having access to some of your phones parts, settings and so on.
It gives you superuser access and removes all software and firmware lock or restrictions on your smartphone thereby allowing you to tweak all type of system files that normally you wouldn't have done without rooting.
Rooting your android phone comes with many benefits and few disadvantages that means the advantages derived from rooting ones phone cannot be overemphasized.
Without much ado, let me take you through to the advantages, benefits and reason why you should root your phone.

1. Ads Blocking
Have you ever downloaded an application that is filled with disturbing and unwanted Ads? Did you notice how annoying the apps pops out periodically on your phone's screen? If you have experienced this, you will know that its very hard to block those Ads in your phone without having root access. 
Rooting your phone will make it much easier to block all those unwanted Ads with the help of one of these Ads blocking apps; Adaway or Adfree

2. Custom ROMs Installation
Though in few android devices, you don't really need to root your phone before flashing and installing a custom  ROM but in many android devices you need to unlock the bootloader which means bypassing the restriction placed on the phone and giving it a superuser access which is rooting. Installing custom ROM is one of the best and interesting benefits of rooting your phone.
Some phone products like Tecno don't normally have the OTA (Over The Air) android version upgrade and there is no other way that particular tecno phone user can have an update to the latest version of firmware without rooting the phone, having superuser access and flashing or installing a custom ROM of that new firmware version he wants to use in his or her phone. An example is someone that is using an older Tecno or let me say Gionee M2 which runs on android Jelly bean version; knowing that there is no OTA update provided by the manufacturers for these two devices except for Gionee M2 where you can only upgrade with the use of PC. But rooting gives you access to easily flash and install custom higher version ROM like the KitKat in the phone that came with Jelly bean version.

3. Custom Recovery Backup
This is a prototype of PCs system restore point. It lets you backup your android phone at the exact state it was when you are backing up. This means if you back up your android with any of the well known custom recovery apps like ClockWorkMode (CWM), TWRP orthe Philztouch, your phone will return to its exact state whenever you restores the backup just like the way PC restore point does and this cannot be done without having root access.
Custom recovery backup is very essential and handy when you get your phone bricked and malfunctioned. All you do is to fall back to your backup file and restore your phone to its previous good working state. 

4. Tweaking The Untweakable In Your Phone

Root access makes you the boss and controller in general of anything and i repeat anything you can think of. There is no more limit to the settings you can apply but you should be mindful of how you tweak system files. Tweak if you are really sure of what you are doing but before carrying out any tweaking that you are not very sure or familiar with, kindly do a custom ClockWorkMode CWM backup so that you can easily restore your phone if you damage anything. 
Rooting lets you tweak how your android keyboard appears, how it looks and how it funtions using an App called Keyboard manager or its alternative.

5. Access To All Applications
There are some apps that doesn't work at all and  there are ones that doesn't work well on unrooted phones like Greenify, Spoofer, Root explorer, Exposed Explorer, Mobile Uncle, Lucky Patcher, Viper and bunch of many apps. With unrooted phone, some of the app features can't work at all so rooting your phone gives you access to download and enjoy all available android apps

6. Customizing Your Phone's User Interface (UI)
Some android phones and versions comes with bulky and ugly user interface that may be a turn off for you. Some of the preinstalled apps might not be even needed by you so tell me how you can uninstall the system pre-installed apps on android without having root access. 
Some of this unwanted apps stay there and consume space meant for important apps that you like. Not only that they consume storage space, they are also helping in draining your phone battery and makes your phone runs slower. So root your phone and get rid of those unwanted apps

7. Boosts Your Phone's Battery Life

If you always complain about your smartphone battery always draining fast, then sit back, think and consider rooting that phone. There are some hiding battery saving tweaks that can be applied to only rooted devices. Some great battery saving apps like battery doctor, due battery saver and the likes have some features that unrooted devices can't apply.

8. Hibernation
Do you know that your phone can hibernate just like the way your laptop does? You can actually hibernate your background running apps so that you will save yourself some battery life and give your device overall improved performance and smoothness. This can be achieved by installing greenify app. It cannot hibernate your apps if your phone is not rooted.

9. Change Font Of Your Android Phone
Rooting gives you total access and privilege to do away with the font style that came with your smartphone. You can use an app like iFont  to customize and install your desired font style to be used on your device.

Well, let me stop here for now. You can see from the above listed benefits that rooting is very very important if you really want to have total control of your android phone and if you want your android phone to perform much better. It makes you the boss over your phone.

NOTE: Rooting your phone automatically voids your warranty and you can brick your phone in the process that's why it is important to run a CWM backup before you start the process. However, here are some better way to root your phone with nearly 98% accuracy level meaning you are less prone to brick your phone while using the methods. Check them here on how to safely root any android phone and here on how to safely root all Samsung galaxy smartphones

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  1. Woah... I can't believe i just found out good reasons to root my phone.. Thanks for sharing!

    1. Rosy you are welcome. Keep visiting this site for more great stuffs. You can also wish to subscribe freely to our email feed so that you won't miss any of our top posts

  2. Add me on WhatsApp group 07067699719

  3. it's best preety to root android phone
    i rooted my techno j8 i can't just believe what i'm experiencing now it's very pretty

  4. it's very pretty to root your android phones
    i can't believe what i'm experiencing after i Rooted my techno j8

  5. Customizing Your Phone's User Interface is only thing I found interest in rooting phones and that of ba3 life is zero, its ba3 drainer. Lol thanks wizy

  6. I like using a rooted phone cos it gives me superuser access
