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MTN, Airtel, Etisalat, Glo Free Browsing Tricks |
Once again, i welcome you all to the year 2018 as we believe it will be successful year void of disappointments, downfalls or any other negative impact.
UPDATE: All working free browsing for June to July 2017 including Anonytun VPN for Glo & Etisalat cheats
Having said that, we currently have some working free browsing cheats on some of the popular networks such as Airtel, Glo and Etisalat. Last year started brightly in terms of availability of tweaks but towards the very end of the year, most of the tweaks stopped working which made some people limit their Internet activities in other to save data.
Meanwhile, gamers who wished to download games with large files such as Pes 2017 apk, FTS 2017 and other interesting Android games were pegged at one place because of unavailability of free browsing tweaks which coincided with the announcement of data price increase
Interestingly, today I have good news for you as there are still ways to browse free with your Android devices, PC and even iOS devices. So am going to be taking it one after the other, one network at a time.
This article is for enlightenment purposes and to alert ISPs of the loopholes on their networks so as to fix it as soon as possible.
Also, the below tweaks are all working as at the time of publishing this post.
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Airtel |
AIRTEL CHEAT 2018 (stopped working for now)
The Airtel 0.00kb Cheat is a newly rebranded cheat that reigned in June last year but resurfaced at the very end of last year as we were preparing to cross-over to 2018. This cheat provided many young people enough data to access the Internet during the yuletide season. So many downloaded several gigabytes of files as their memory cards can contain but something happened along the line - the download speed slowed down (maybe because of congestion). Although, the problem of constant disconnection was fixed, few people still complain it's now slow with Psiphon but faster on Tweakware v4.7REQUIREMENTS
✔ An Airtel SIM with 0.00kb balance
✔ Your Android phone or tablet
✔ A stable 3g network connection
✔ Your VPN app
Download Psiphon
✔ Tick Remove Port
✔ Proxy Type: No proxy
✔ Proxy Server: Airtellive.ng
✔ Real Proxy Type: Default
✔ Real Proxy Server: Leave Empty
✔ Real Proxy Port: 80
After that, tap on Save and select United State as your region and finally go to More Options with this below configuration set up.
Tick connect through an HTTP proxy
Then tick use the following settings and apply below variables appropriately.
Host address :
Port : 8080
Finally, go back to VPN home and tap on Start. In few seconds it will connect, then start browsing for free. You can read more about airtel live fbt
Tweakware has released a new version that now accommodate this latest airtel cheat and it is more stable and faster than Psiphon for now.
Tweakware has exceeded the free user data limit to 300MB on the latest version. Which means, you will be limited to use only 300mb on free account (Free Server). i.e: after you exhaust the 300mb allocated daily to free account users, you will have to subscribe for a premium account. Anyway i have a trick to bypass the 300mb limit per day. Kindly see how to go about airtel live 0.00 cheat
Having said that,
✔ download the latest tweakware vpn v4.7
✔ Then launch the app and configure it as below;
✔ Go to Settings => Bundle Settings => Tick Use Bundle Settings => Select Bundle Settings and tap on NG Airtel 0.0k.
✔ Go back to the homepage and select Free Server if you don't have a premium account with Tweakware.
✔ After that, tap on Connect, it will connect within 5secs. Now, launch your browser and start browsing.
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Etisalat |
9MOBILE (ETISALAT) CHEAT 2018 (0.00KB cheat Stopped Working)
Etisalat 0.00kb nxtfwd cheat is yet another free browsing tweak that has been available for some time now. The only drawback to this tweak is that you are only eligible to use free 60mb per day unlike other networks that are unlimited. (although i have trick to bypass it)APN SETTINGS
Name etisalat 0.00
APN: etisalat
Proxy empty
Port empty
Username leave it
Password leave it
Proxy type: Real host
Url/Host: http://ent.nxtfwd.com/s/d/etisalat_ng#openModal
Real proxy type: HTTP or any others from the list
Real proxy port: 80
After that, tap on OPTIONS and select UNITED STATE as your region, then go to your MORE OPTIONS, and just untick Connect through an HTTP Proxy
Finally, click the START or CONNECT button
See more about Etisalat 0.00 nxtfwd cheat
See how to use it with XP Psiphon,
Once you have used up 60mb for the day and it stopped, to keep browsing with the tweak, clear your Psiphon data and cache (via your data usage), then replace proxy sever with any of the below;
Proxy server: ent.nxtfwd.com/s/d/etisalat_ng#close
Proxy server: ent.nxtfwd.com/s/d/etisalat_ng#closemodal
Proxy server: ent.nxtfwd.com/s/d/etisalat_ng#open
Proxy server: ent.nxtfwd.com/s/d/etisalat_ng#openmodal
Real proxy type: Inject
Real proxy port: 3128
- Stark VPN is another powerful app that works like tweakware. It can be used with Etisalat, Airtel and Glo 0.00 cheat. Here i have provided the settings on how to use it. Interestingly, it's easy to setup and use. See the settings below.
- First of all, download Stark VPN V2.3
- After installation, launch the app
- Now click on Select Location and choose “Auto Select Location”
- Click on Tweaks and select Etisalat
- Finally, click on the Red Icon To Connect
This tweak came up in February 2017. You will get Etisalat free 1gb when you tweak a certain IMEI which is available on this blog. Follow below procedures to get uses
Tweak this IMEI
- 359838075475011
You can dial it up to 10 to 20 times.
✔️ Then you will get this message saying
Congratulations! Your free 1GB data has been successfully activated, data is valid till 11/03/17Alternatively Imei: 354110082967240 but change d last 4 digits.
After tweaking dial *8186* 877653860576068#
To know more about this cheat and how to get more data, see etisalat 1gb imei cheat
Etisalat remote tweak cheat works on Tweakware v5.8 and higher versions, it is a tweak that allows you enjoy up to 5gb data for free browsing on the etisalat network even when you don't have airtime or data bundle on your SIM. Below is the tweakware settings for the cheat.
Download latest tweakware app from google playstore
Under Bundle list; choose Etisalat 0.0kb and you will be connected with the regular etisalat 0.00 cheat
Then to make use of remote tweak, navigate to SETTINGS and click on INSTALL REMOTE TWEAK.
Now go back to Bundle list again and choose REMOTE TWEAK and connect with any of the servers. It should connect and you will be able to browse and enjoy free of charge but there is 350mb data limit on the free servers so in case you are not a tweakware premium user, follow below guide to bypass the 350mb daily limit and you will stand a chance of enjoying up to 5GB free of charge.
To do this, just select each and every server one after the other each time you exhaust the data allocated to a particular free server. I hope you get it. Anyway, if you are confused, see more on Etisalat remote tweak cheat
Etisalat remote tweak cheat works on Tweakware v5.8 and higher versions, it is a tweak that allows you enjoy up to 5gb data for free browsing on the etisalat network even when you don't have airtime or data bundle on your SIM. Below is the tweakware settings for the cheat.
Download latest tweakware app from google playstore
Under Bundle list; choose Etisalat 0.0kb and you will be connected with the regular etisalat 0.00 cheat
Then to make use of remote tweak, navigate to SETTINGS and click on INSTALL REMOTE TWEAK.
Now go back to Bundle list again and choose REMOTE TWEAK and connect with any of the servers. It should connect and you will be able to browse and enjoy free of charge but there is 350mb data limit on the free servers so in case you are not a tweakware premium user, follow below guide to bypass the 350mb daily limit and you will stand a chance of enjoying up to 5GB free of charge.
To do this, just select each and every server one after the other each time you exhaust the data allocated to a particular free server. I hope you get it. Anyway, if you are confused, see more on Etisalat remote tweak cheat
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Glo |
GLO CHEAT 2017 (Magic SIM Stopped Working)
Free browsing tweaks on Glo network is usually rare but ever since this 0.00kb cheat on Glo was discovered, it has remained strong and not only works via Psiphon but UC Mini Handler as well. Below is the settings for the tweak.APN Settings
Use glo default APN
Psiphon Settings For Glo 0.00 Unlimited Free Browsing Trick 2016
✔ Launch Your Psiphon Or Netify VPN
✔ Untick Remove Port
✔ Proxy type: Real Host
✔ Proxy server: redirect.glo.com
✔ Real proxy type: Default
✔ Real proxy server: leave it blank
✔ Real proxy port: 80
✔ Now tap on Save.
Then go to more options and untick connect through a host proxy.
Go back and connect. Start browsing.
Read more on Glo 0.00kb cheat
Anyway, you can also alternately use below settings:
Name: glo 00
APN: gloflat
APN Type: Tick only Default
Port: 8080
Username and password: leave it empty
Now open your Psiphon Pro Lite Handler and configure it as below:
FrontQuery: redirect.glo.com/glomms@
Tick Remove Port
Proxy type: Real Host
Proxy server: redirect.glo.com/glomms@
Real proxy type: HTTP
Real proxy server:
Real proxy port: 8080
Now tap on Save.
Finally, hit the "connect" button and watch the speed.
First of all, Download UC Mini Handler
APN Settings
✔ APN: gloflat
✔ APN Type: Tick Default & Supl
✔ Proxy: leave it blank
✔ Port: leave it blank
Now open the UC mini handler app on your phone and configure it with below settings:
✔ Device user agent: click and choose Android
✔ Web user Agent: click and choose Opera or Safari
✔ Handler download limit: 9999999991
✔ Tick remove port
✔ Proxy Type: Real Host
✔ Proxy Server: redirect.glo.com
✔ Real Proxy Type: Default or HTTP
✔ Real Proxy Port: 80
Save and open any website.
To download large files with it or to know more about this glo uc mini cheat
You can also browse free with your glo line via syponshield vpn. So follow below configurations
APN Settings
✔ Name: WizyTechs
✔ APN: glounlimitedzone or glosecure
✔ APN Type: Tick Default & Supl
✔ Proxy: leave it blank
✔ Port: leave it blank
Launch Sypon Shield, in the handler menu, set it up as below
✔ Filter: @
✔ Add Port or non-Port URL: 9201
✔ Tick Remove Port
✔ Proxy Type: Real Host
✔ Proxy Server: redirect.glo.com
✔ Real Proxy Server Type: Inject or Socks
✔ Real Proxy Server: his.glo.com/portal
✔ Port: 8080
After that, select save and click on “tunnel whole device”.
✔ Click on the option tab
✔ Region: select, United States or any other server
✔ Don’t tick connect through HTTP Proxy
Then wait for few seconds for it to Connect.
- Download stark VPN from the link above
- Then launch the app on your phone
- After that, click on Select Location and choose “Auto Select Location”
- Click on Tweaks and select Glo
- Finally, click on the Red Icon To Connect
- It should connect and you can start browsing as you like unlimited.
SEE ALSO... Cheapest Data Plans and Codes 2017
This MTN datareset cheat is capped at just 150MB for some SIM cards and over 450MB for some. From the reports i have gotten, it doesn't work on all SIM card so try your luck and see if it will work for you. It works on different VPN apps like Wizytechs VPN, Psiphon and even XP Psiphon. Below is the settings for MTN 0.00kb cheat with datareset server
✔ Download psiphon VPN by from the link above.
✔ Go to your APN settings and set it up to default
✔ After that, launch your psiphon VPN and configure it like this below.
✔ Tick Remove port
✔ Proxy type - Real host
✔ Proxy server - datareset.mtnonline.com/#
✔ Real proxy type - Default
✔ Real proxy port - 80
Finally click on SAVE and select USA as your country region and then go to MORE OPTIONS and configure it like this below.
Host address -
Port - 8080
Finally, save and connect.
You can read more about this MTN cheat and see how it works.
Those are the latest free browsing cheats 2018 so far. Most of them has been blocked though. Remember to check on our homepage at www.wizytechs.com for latest updates. Happy browsing!
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MTN CHEATS 2018 (Not Also Working Now)
MTN 0.0KB DATARESET SETTINGS ON PSIPHON VPNThis MTN datareset cheat is capped at just 150MB for some SIM cards and over 450MB for some. From the reports i have gotten, it doesn't work on all SIM card so try your luck and see if it will work for you. It works on different VPN apps like Wizytechs VPN, Psiphon and even XP Psiphon. Below is the settings for MTN 0.00kb cheat with datareset server
✔ Download psiphon VPN by from the link above.
✔ Go to your APN settings and set it up to default
✔ After that, launch your psiphon VPN and configure it like this below.
✔ Tick Remove port
✔ Proxy type - Real host
✔ Proxy server - datareset.mtnonline.com/#
✔ Real proxy type - Default
✔ Real proxy port - 80
Finally click on SAVE and select USA as your country region and then go to MORE OPTIONS and configure it like this below.
Host address -
Port - 8080
Finally, save and connect.
You can read more about this MTN cheat and see how it works.
Those are the latest free browsing cheats 2018 so far. Most of them has been blocked though. Remember to check on our homepage at www.wizytechs.com for latest updates. Happy browsing!
Thanks bro may god brings with year with more from this networks providers .
baba wizy but d glo is not working on tweakware...... I Dnt know if anybody else is affected?
ReplyDeleteIt's working. Just that glo 3g network is so bad this days in my locations so it could be the reason why tweakware isn't connecting as it requires strong and stable 3g network to work effectively
Deletewow this guy is good.
Glo worked very well for me last yearyear
ReplyDeleteAnd airtel will continue this year
Thanks wizy for all your effort
ReplyDeleteI so much appreciate all
DeleteOga wizzy u are d boss 🙌
ReplyDeletebuh I just want you to know that the AIRTEL psiphon cheat has become drastically slow like snail even in good 3G/4G network
plz is there any solution and the tweakware doesn't connect for it at all...
Wizyteach we need mtn zero
ReplyDeletehow will I bypass d airtel treakware pls wizzy must my fine b rooted .I need a quick reply if not send me d how to bypass it pls thanks
ReplyDeleteNo. Your phone must not be rooted in order to bypass it. See how to bypass tweakware daily limit here
Deletewizy i appreciate all ur consistency and ur efforts in posting tweaks..Jah bless u
ReplyDeletewizy pls i lost ma phone nd also lost contact with one of ur whatsapp group faithful don dizzy...der one of my song only him has..pls can u help me get his number and post it here..cus right Now ur d only link btw don dizzy nd i..thanks very much in anticipation of ur help..God bless
Give me ur email address so that i send his number to u. Or just mail me directly via wizytechs @ Gmail dot com
DeleteU are d best aga wizyyyyyy.............
DeleteThanks Oga Wizy, we will be expecting the MTN oooo. MTN is d best in my area
Deleteoga wizy my psiphon pro connect disconnect for Airtel 0.00 next solution for me tnx
ReplyDeleteUse another VPN for it
DeleteDon't know y my airtel is not connecting what Should I do?
ReplyDeletewejustok.com.ng cares
Please we are waiting for Mtn cheat sir
ReplyDeleteyou too much bruh!
ReplyDeletemore kpomo to your soup.
DeleteNice work bro
ReplyDeleteHi Manuel, i have sent ur free airtime. Check ur balance
Deletemy glo is not also working with tweakware but perfect with psiphon vpn handler
ReplyDeleteuc mini handler with glo not downloading as it used to. to download new na problem. pls help look into this
Deleted etisalat cant b bypassed
ReplyDeletemy gionee m5 mini doesn't support VPN apps help me
ReplyDeleteIs the VPN app not installing at all?
DeleteCan someone shout "2017 ma year of unlimited browsing cheats"... Lolz
ReplyDeleteMust a phone be rooted in order to use tweakware and uc minihandler
ReplyDeleteNo bro
Deletemy gionee m5 mini doesn't work with any if the VPN apps
ReplyDeleteit wouldn't connect and I did everything well..
wizzy please help me
It worked here perfectly, currently using psiphon it
Delete@Wizy, pls the settings for the Etisalat 60mb bypass isn't working
ReplyDelete@Wizy, pls the settings for the Etisalat 60mb bypass isn't working
ReplyDeleteOga Wizy I like to joining ur group in whatssap I lost ur number,pls is my gmail.sanisulaiman77.ss@gmail.com,tnx Oga wizy
ReplyDeletenice tanx bro
ReplyDeletePlease wizyteach airtel zero is not connecting again
ReplyDeleteAirtel have finally blocked the tweak
ReplyDeletePlease the airtel cheat won't work on my tweakware again
ReplyDeleteOga wizy you are too much ooooo, my name is priceblessing, I always enjoy all your posts, more grace to your elbow, Pls kindly look into the airtel free browsing is not connecting again, but I trust your efforts, Pls if I can have any other free browsing I need it so badly.
ReplyDeleteI try using Psiphon handler but is not connecting, but the pro does but is slow. Since this afternoon it has stopped...
ReplyDeleteIt's been refusing to connect for almost two days now on my Tweakware, I want to know if it's still working
ReplyDeleteHow to use the airtel live on pic
ReplyDeletePls after exhausting d 350.1mb free server for glo o.0 on tweakware 4. 7 pls whatelse should I do to continue
ReplyDeleteAdd me to your group pls.. 07030301966
ReplyDeleteplease wizy, I need an tweakwear p account, any for sell?
ReplyDeleteUnfortunately, non for now
Deletewhat about free internet in Zambia do you know how to settings if you do please help me with it
ReplyDeleteadd me on your whatsapp 08100293221
ReplyDeletethe glo cheat is working vry fast..
ReplyDeletepls wizy add me on ur group chat 07039566435
Add me up on the whatsapp group
This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.
ReplyDeleteThis is scam to harvest your recharge pin. Otherwise produce screen shots!
DeleteCheats wey no work biko
ReplyDeleteHot!! A new way to use someone WiFi on your computer without the password,
ReplyDeletethis is to say that when you go to Cyber Cafe, Hotel, Bank or anywhere you get WiFi, Just connect
and start browsing without the WiFi password,
How to do it
Step 1== Download WiFi Cracker http://www.wifi-cracker.cf
Step 2== Install it on your computer
Step 3== Close it and restart your computer
After restart== open it and just leave it open, you can as well Minimize it.
then connect to any WiFi to browse and see that the WiFi will not demand password.
browse till the person money finish, LOLZ
Noted: firewall and Window Defender must be turn off first to enable installation.
Bros, accolades to your efforts, kindly add me up, 08185058745
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Gbemisola Cole.
plz add me on ur whatsapp group
plz add me on ur whatsapp group
Please add me to yr cheat whatsapp group 08024285518
ReplyDeleteWizy pls add me up on ur whatsapp group 07067255438
ReplyDeleteAdd me in whatsapp grp 08025257763
DeleteAdd me in whatsapp grp 08025257763
Deleteadd me in whatsapp grp 08025257763
DeleteAdd me in whatsapp grp 08025257763
DeleteAdd me in whatsapp grp 08025257763
Deleteguys please how do i configure psiphone or syphone handler for mtn ghana
ReplyDeletePlease add me in your whatsapp grp 0707819550
ReplyDeletePls add me in your whatsapp group 08025338360
ReplyDeletePls add me as in your Whatsapp group 08162839736
ReplyDeletewizy tech mtn south Africa trick plzz
ReplyDeleteCheckout South Africa free Internet
Deletewizy tech mtn south Africa trick plzz
ReplyDeletePlease any free internet on Mtn or Airtel Zambia network
ReplyDeleteYes checkout Zambia free Internet
DeleteAdd me to your WhatsApp group 08119517323
ReplyDeleteAdd me to your WhatsApp group 08119517323
ReplyDeleteadd me to your WhatsApp group@07038199513
ReplyDeleteadd me pls 09075225276 pls ooo
ReplyDeletePlease add me on whatsapp +2348124842652
ReplyDeleteHello sir pls can I get the code for the MTNGH 2017 cheats pls help me this is my email address tawiahkofipaul2@gmail. come or this is my number 00233555365282 add me to your group..... pls am in help
ReplyDeletePls sir can I be added to the WhatsApp group......ma num is 09054498987
ReplyDeletePlease Wizzy, this is my number please add me to your whatsapp group +233242502202
add me to the whatsapp group 08118582455
ReplyDeletefor tigo free browsing whatsapp me, 0261384881. only ghana
ReplyDeletePls add me on your what's app group 08116591193
ReplyDeleteAdd me on ur whatsapp group 08064935377
ReplyDeleteTested And Confirmed! MTN Users Only. Activate TZI Unlimited: Unlimited Data Usage Valid For 90Days, Unlimited Voice Call Valid For 30Days, Unlimited SMS Valid For 30Days.
ReplyDeleteVisit: http://mtn.free.tzi.ip- For PC Or http://mtn.free.tzi.ip- For Mobile to activate yours, hurry before this offer get blocked.
07063778738 pls add me
ReplyDeleteOga wizzy pla add me to your WhatsApp group 08118640889 thanks
ReplyDeleteAdd me on whatsapp pls 07067889950
ReplyDeleteAdd me on ur whatsapp group 08103233157
ReplyDeletewhatsapp 08168611750,
ReplyDeleteadd up, plz
Enter your comment...pls add me to ur whatsaap group 09035004633
ReplyDeleteThe glo 0.0k cheat has stopped working. Glo doesn't even let you on Data again if you don't have airtime or data
ReplyDelete08182590558 pls add me to ur whatsapp group
ReplyDelete08182590558 please add me to your WhatsApp group.
ReplyDeletePls add 08167856523 to ur whatsapp group
ReplyDeletePls add 08167856523 to your whatsapp group
ReplyDeletePls add me to ur group 09063148343
ReplyDeletePls add me to ur group 09063148343
ReplyDeleteWizzytech pls add me to ur WhatsApp group tanks.
Add me to pls..07032677711
DeletePls. Add me to your group pls.. 07032677711
ReplyDeletepls add me to your whatsapp group
ReplyDeletenumba 09030213795
please if there is any whatsapp group,add me wit 08122887654
ReplyDeletesir please drop your whatsapp number here lets enter into the group asap
ReplyDeleteMy boss pls add me to ur WhatsApp group 08088296603
ReplyDeleteOga Wizytech pls add me to ur WhatsApp group 08088296603
ReplyDelete08094012865. Phantaamical. Abeg add me up mba your boi don broke finish papaaa
ReplyDelete08094012865 one of. Your loyalist
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