A smartphone without internet or data is like an ordinary torchlight phone that is why most smartphone users try everything possible in other to have an active internet data service in their devices. Without data, there is nothing like facebooking, twitting, using whatsapp, Instagram, BBM, telegram or surfing the Internet for information like you are doing right now. This is how important Internet data is to us.
You need a lot of information to climb above your peers in this our generation and the easiest way to get these information is via the Internet which is filled with any information you can imagine of. A good use of the internet can change your whole life for the better.
However, most users wish to have a lot of data (MB) on their mobile phones and PC but due to the high cost of subscribing to data packages in Nigeria, some people withdraw and start managing the meagre 10mb allocated to every recharge of N100 which is mostly used for chatting because it is too small for browsing. Many Nigerians are still complaining of the expensive nature of data subscriptions in the country when compared to other countries but it seems both the network providers and Nigeria Communication Commission (NCC) haven't heard the yarn of the masses.
Having said that, there are still "affordable data plans" on various networks in Nigeria including MTN, Airtel, Glo and Etisalat that can suite your need, whether you are a heavy downloader or a fair internet user. Remember that these plans are official. Some people prefer the official data plans in other to run away from the hassles of tweaking.
Though tweaking gives you the most affordable and free browsing tricks to browse on your devices but not everyone is comfortable with that. So this article can guide you to make a better selection when it comes to data subscription and packages. Follow me along as i show you these "cheapest MTN, Etisalat, Glo, Airtel data plans for 2017". Before you are through with this article, you must surely find the best data plan for you on any network
1. MTN CHEAP DATA PLANS (click here for latest plans)

MTN Daily Unlimited Data Plan:
Do you know that you can brows and download unlimited on your MTN line with just N150? I recommend this plan for heavy downloaders and internet users like me. I recently tried this package on my main MTN line but it wasn't eligible so i used my second line and it was successful. I used up to 7GB in just 5 hours because the MTN network in my location is cool. The data is unlimited and valid for 24 hours, after which you will be deactivated.
How will i activate MTN Unlimited daily data plan? To subscribe to this plan, load your MTN line with N150 and dial *567*59#. This package works on all smartphones, PC and iOS.
Unfortunately, it selects SIM, that is to say not all MTN SIM cards are eligible for this package.
MTN Surprise Data Plans
These two data packages were recently introduced by MTN and it offers more affordable data than the previous packages. In fact, these plans is a thorn on the flesh of data resellers who use to sell 1gb for N800. Now you get more cheaper data officially from MTN direct.
How will i subscribe for MTN surprise data plans?
To subscribe to MTN 1.3GB for N1,000. Send 106 to 131
To subscribe to MTN 3.75GB for N2,000: Send 110 to 131 and it will be activated
See more information about it here
These plans can be used on all devices including android, windows mobile, iOS Symbian, PC etc.
At the moment, MTN BBLITED is not working at all but hopefully i will publish a fix for it soon. BBLITED allows you to use MTN BIS plan on android devices.
Other Newly Launched Affordable MTN Data Packages, Subscription Code And Price
==> MTN 50MB That used to cost N200 before now goes for N100, to subscribe text 104 to 131
==> The 750MB that used to cost as high as N2000 now costs only N500 , to subscribe for this, text 103 to 131
==> MTN have now upgraded the 260MB that used to cost N1000 to 1.3GB at the same price. To subscribe, text 106 to 131
==> They also upgraded the 750MB that used to cost N2000 before to 3.75GB at the same price. To subscribe to this, simple text 110 to 131
MTN 10GB for N5,000 (Valid for 30 Days) SMS 116 to 131
MTN 22GB for N10,000 (Valid for 30 days) SMS 117 to 131
Data Plan For All Mifi Users (3Months)
MTN 50GB For N20,000 (Valid for 3Months) SMS 118 to 131
MTN 85GB For N50,000 (Valid for 3Months) SMS 133 to 131
MTN 1.5GB Data Plan:
This data package was secretly introduced by MTN without public notice and i see it as an even better option to the 1.3GB plan.
How To Subscribe MTN 1.5GB Data Plan For N1000
==> First of all, load your MTN line with N1000 airtime
==> After recharging, simply dial *131# and follow the onscreen directions
==> Once you dial *131#, reply with 1 to buy data, and then reply with 3 for monthly data and finally reply with 1 to get the 1.5GB data.
Read more about MTN 1.5GB Data Plan
MTN 500MB Night Data Plan For 25 Naira
This data plan was launched by MTN recently and it is a plan that lets MTN subscribers to enjoy 500MB worth of data with just N25 in your airtime.
How Do I Subscribe/Activate The MTN midnight Plan for N25?
=> Your MTN line must be on the MTN Pulse tariff plan, but if you are not sure of the plan you are already on, simply dial *123# to confirm which plan you are on or just dial *406# to migrate to MTN Pulse plan.
=> Make sure you have at least N30 airtime in your balance
=> Send Night to 131 via text message
=> You will receive an activation message that goes like this...
"Dear Customer, you have successfully subscribed to Free Night Browsing between 00:00 and 04:00. N25 has been deducted from your account. Enjoy!"
=> Now you are all set to brows and download from 12 am, to 4am in the night with the 500MB. See more information about this package Here
MTN WOW Weekend Plan
"Special offer! Buy 3.5GB for N2000 and get 17.5GB FREE data. Dial *131*110# to activate. Dial *131*4# to view data bonus. Bonus Valid till Sunday 11:59pm."
To activate it, just dial *131*110#
To check your data balance dial *131*4#
MTN XtraByte Plan
This is a new plan that allows eligible MTN customers to borrow data bundles as low as N50 on credit and pay later (just like borrowing airtime)
To Borrow, dial *606# and you will be given options to select. Remember you must have not more than N12 in your balance to be eligible.
To check your borrowed Megabyte balance, dial *606#, then select check balance.
Read more about MTN XtraByte here
2. AIRTEL CHEAP DATA PLANS (click here for latest plans)

Airtel is one of the friendly networks for Internet users. No surprise they go by the nickname "the smartphone network". Airtel network is very strong in many locations of the country and they offer some of the cheapest data packages for any device but the major drawback to airtel data plans is how their data is been zapped. In fact, they deduct data twice the normal way it should be deducted. But now there are airtel plans that doesn't zap data. Follow me along.
I will show you one secret. If you are a new airtel subscriber, i will advice you to go for “Welcome to Airtel plan” which gives you 4GB for N1,500 + 2600 extra credit. See more information about this here
Airtel Night Data Plan (#25 for 500MB and #200 For 1.5GB)
This is the newly introduced airtel night plan after the previous unlimited plan was scrapped. In this new plan, you need to migrate to Airtel SmartTribe tariff before you can enjoy it.
How To Migrate To Airtel SmartTrybe Tariff Plan
Simply dial *312# then reply with 1
How To Subscribe/Activate Airtel #200 For 1. 5GB, 500MB for #25
First Method
Dial *312*3#
Second Method
=> Dial *312#
=> Then reply with 3 for 500MB for N25 and 1.5GB for N50 [Night Plan 12am - 6am]
This data night plans works on all devices, Java phones, Symbian, Android, iPad, iPad, PC with no special settings.
To read more about this particular plan including its advantages and disadvantages, click Airtel Night Plan
AirTel 10GB For N100, Airtel 20GB For N200 and Airtel Unlimited For N300
Airtel recently unveiled these awesome social data bundles that offers huge data allocations and it can be used on whatsapp, opera mini, and some apps on your phone. But to use it and power all other apps, see the procedures Here
To subscribe to any of the cheap Airtel social bundles, follow the below steps:
Make sure you have at least N100, N200 or N300 on your airtel line, depending on the plan you want to subscribe for.
- Dial *688# on your phone
- Reply with 1, 2 or 3 for either 10gb, 20gb or unlimited plan respectively.
- You will get a confirmation message afterwards.
Airtel 1.5GB for N1,000:
This plan is not that cheap but still considerable.
To subscribe for airtel 1GB data plan, dial *496# it is valid for 30 days.
Airtel Blackberry Plan
I am sure that you are aware that airtel 3gb data plan that goes for N1500 zaps a lot especially when being used on android devices or PC. This is while am suggesting this particular airtel 3gb for just N1000 airtel BIS Plan which can be used on android devices without the zapping experience again as long as your IMEI is changed to that of BlackBerry 10 imei. See more details about it on this post how to use airtel 3gb BIS plan on android and PC
Airtel 750MB for N500 Data Plan
Airtel introduced this data plan that offers subscribers "750MB for N500" Naira just like MTN 750MB data plan but in this airtel case, it is valid for just 14 days while that of MTN valid for one month.
To subscribe for this data plan,
✔ Recharge upto 500 naira on your Airtel sim
✔ Dial *418#.
✔ You can check your data balance by simply dialing *140#.
Airtel 6GB For #1500 Plan
This data plan is introduced by airtel and its meant for the "special privileged" according to airtel so its not for everybody but to enjoy it, dial *440*161# and you are good to go. The data works on blackberry and android devices and valid for 30 days. You can read more about Airtel 6gb for #1,500 here
Airtel WTF Data Plan For Unlimited Browsing
This data plan is meant for social media applications but you can use it with opera mini if you change your phone APN to the one i will give you below.
How Can I Subscribe To Airtel WTF Bundle?
=> To get the bundle plan for one month, dial *990# for just N200
=> And to get the bundle for one week, dial *991# for just N100
To check your data balance, dial *990*0#
How To Brows Unlimited On The Internet With It
As i told you earlier, you can browse with this plan which is only meant for social media but the trick is changing your airtel APN to the right one and use Opera Mini to brows as it doesn't work on UC browser. Am still trying to see how to use it on PC and maybe use it to power all applications using VPN apps like Psiphon and Netloop.
Use this airtel APN – internet.ng.airtel.com
Airtel 2GB For #200 And 6GB For #500 2g Network Data Plan
This data plans were introduced by airtel to accommodate all categories of phone users even those in the village where there is no 3g network.The only drawback to this cheap data plan is that it only works on 2g network.
How To Activate/Subscribe For Airtel 4gb For #500 Data Plan
To get airtel 4GB data for N500, Dial *483#.
It lasts for 28 days
How To Activate/Subscribe For Airtel 2GB For #200 Data Plan
To subscribe for Airtel 2GB for #200, dial *482# and it lasts for 14 days.
To check your airtel data balance, dial *140#
For more detailed information about this plan and how people see it, Here
Airtel Triple Data Offer
Airtel triple data offer gives customers up to 100% data bonus on data purchases or renewals on the network. This is another opportunity for airtel subscribers to get more value from their subscriptions.
What Are Benefits on Triple Data offer
The benefits of the offer are as follows:
1. 50% bonus data when you activate any of the applicable data plans
2. Up to 75% bonus data on first renewal
3. Up to 100% bonus data on 2nd renewal
How To Activate Airtel Triple Surf Offer
=> Simply Dial *141#
=> Select option 2 in the menu “Triple Surf Offer”, you will see the list of applicable bundles
=> Activate any of the applicable data bundles and you will begin to enjoy your bonus
Available Plans on Triple Surf Offer
Plan Name Price Volume 1st subscription 1st Renewal 2nd Renewal
Daily 100 30MB 50% 75% 100%
3 day 200 50MB 50% 75% 100%
Weekly 300 80MB 50% 75% 100%
Easy 500 750MB 50% 75% 100%
Android1 1000 1.5GB 50% 50% 50%
Android 2 2000 3.5GB 50% 50% 50%
Android 3.5 3500 7GB 50% 50% 50%
How to Check your Data Balance
To check your Airtel data balance, simply dial *140#.
3. GLO CHEAPEST DATA PLANS (click here for latest plans)

Latest Glo Data Plans, Price, Subscription Code And Validity Period
✔ To subscribe for Glo 3.2 GB for N1000 naira dial *127*53#
✔ To subscribe for 7.5 GB for N2000 naira dial *127*55#
✔ To subscribe for 10 GB for N2500 naira dial *127*58#
✔ To subscribe for 12 GB for N3000 naira dial *127*54#
✔ To subscribe for 18 GB for N4000 naira with *127*59#
✔ To subscribe for 24 GB for N5000 naira dial *777#
✔ To subscribe for 48GB for N8000 naira dial *777#
To subscribe for any of the above plans, dial *777# and select your preferred data plan from the screen instructions. Read more about Glo officially updated data plans here
Glo Night Plans
Just like airtel, glo also have night plans but unfortunately, the data plans are capped unlike in airtel where it is unlimited.
Glo 1GB for N200 (12am – 5am)
Glo 3GB for N500 for Sat and Sun + 7 Nights
To Subscribe For Glo Night and Weekend Plans
Just dial *777# and follow the prompt [Data Services » Buy Data » Night and Weekend plans], then select 1 for Night plan or 2 for weekend plan.
Glo Blackberry Plan:
Its so sad, Glo Blackberry plan has been reduced to 3GB For N1,400 and N1,500 respectively. The N1400 plan zaps a lot while that of N1500 is charged at normal rate.
How To Subscribe For Any Glo Blackberry Plan;
Dial *777*21# For 3GB For N1,400
Dial *777*23# For N1,500 or dial *777# and follow the prompt respectively. It works on BB10 and Android who’s IMEI has been tweaked.
Glo 1.5GB Data Plan
Glo N1,000 for 1.5GB: Dial *777# and follow the prompt. No strange settings required.
Glo TGIF 3GB For N500 Weekend Data Plan
This is actually "glo weekend and Night data plan". It offers a whooping 3gb of data for just N500. you can also get "1gb for N200". The data bundles can be used on weekends and night hours from 12am saturday morning till 11:59pm Sunday night on normal week days.To subscribe for glo TGIF, dial *777# and follow the instructions. You can read more about Glo Weekend And Night Data Plan Here

Etisalat revisited their data plans just two days after MTN published their new data plans and i will show you all the new etisalat data bundles for your to choose from. Although their data packages are still a little bit more expensive than what MTN is offering at the moment but it is way cheaper than what we used to get before now. These data bundles works on all devices including android and windows
Below are etisalat data bundles....
Etisalat Data Plans and Subscription Codes
1.5GB for N1000, dial *229*2*7#
3.5GB for N2,000 dial *229*2*8#
5GB for N6,500 dial *229*2*3#
8GB for N8000 dial *229*2*5#
10GB for N10,000 dial *229*2*5#
Etisalat Real Bonus Data PLan
This data plan offers you 1GB of data at the price of just N500 Naira
Dial *229*2*2# and you will be given 1gb for #500 naira and it valids for 30 days
No strange settings required.
It works on all devices and no speed throttling.
Though for those that prefer tweaking, you can use Etisalat socialme which gives you unlimited data package for just N500 valid for one month.
Etisalat Night Plan
Although its not that cheap like what other networks offers but you can also consider it if there is no other option. Etisalat night plan gives you 1gb for N200 usable from 12am in the night till 5am in the morning and it valid for one night. To subscribe for etisalat night plan, dial *229*3*11#.You can read more about it HERE
New Etisalat Weekend and "Night Plan". Now you can browse through the night and weekend with ease with these newly introduced weekend plan from Etisalat
Etisalat 2GB For N1000 Plan
To subscribe, dial *229*3*12# for 2GB evening & weekend plan @ N1,000 (7PM – 6:59AM) and the whole of weekend
Etisalat 5GB For N2000 Plan
To subscribe, dial *229*3*13# for 5GB evening & weekend plan @ N2000 (7PM – 6:59AM) and the whole of weekend PLUS 100MB whatsapp (24/7)
You can read more about Etisalat Night Plan Here
✔ Cheapest Call Tariff Plans On MTN, Airtel, Etisalat, Glo
✔ Latest Free Browsing Tweaks On MTN, Airtel, Glo, Etisalat
There you have them. These plans are official and meant for those that are not familiar with tweaking their phone in other to enjoy better data packages. I hope it will go a long way in helping you decide or choose the best data plan for yourself. Remember this page will continue to be updated with any latest affordable data plan.
If you have any question concerning this, kindly use the comments box below and i will try my best to guide you.
Nice article. Keep on tge good job
ReplyDeleteOk bro
DeleteKeep up d good wrk bro....u're simply d best!
ReplyDeleteWithout you i won't be here. You are better than the best Sir
DeleteI migrate to tru talk n subscribe for the plan cost 2k n check for balance dialing *556# and *559# the bundle balance only2.74gb and my airtime111 left
DeleteAm also working on d Bblited plan....very soon we can start blazing again....just a matter of time....nice 1 bro kip up ur gud work
ReplyDeleteYea bro
Deletethats nice to know.i have a suggestion to make.why dont you transfer that whatsapp group to telegram group.telegram is a lot more organized than whatsapp,it would also help transfering files from one user to the other.08060641159,incase its done.all users can be on 1 group instead of multiple groups
ReplyDeleteBro we have that in mind but the drawback is that many people are not using telegram
DeletePlease consider thee telegram option. It's even an idea of luring people to get to using it and it's far better compared to whatsapp in terms of features minus the calling option though.
DeletePlease add me to the what'sapp group 07050757709
DeleteWizy... is d airtel nite plan capped or its unlimited?
ReplyDeleteIt is unlimited
DeleteWizzy the airtel unlimited night plan is the speed throttled cause mine was at 700kb/s then all of a sudden dropped to below 200. is there a way out ??
ReplyDeleteNo there is no speed throttling. At least i have used it 4 times and didn't notice a throttled speed while downloading
Deletewas it the 100 naira own or 200 u did
DeleteWas it the 100 naira own or the 200 own you did?
DeleteHi Wizzy Is this airtel unlimited still working please let me know any network that I good for downloading thanks keep the good work
ReplyDeleteNo Sir. Airtel has discontinued the unlimited timebase night plans but you can go for mtn night plans as alternative if you wish to download stuffs.
ReplyDeleteCheck them above on the post
pls Wizy which plan can one really do heavy downloads on now coz i wanna do big downloads. Ordinary surfing on my etisalat 4gb is just going fast, i dont mean its zapping. i'm really a heavy internet user... abeg find us cheat, their own wan dey too much now
ReplyDeleteGlo is the best cheap plan now.
ReplyDeleteGoing for glo network
Wizy d Glo plan is simply d best
ReplyDeletepls add me to the watsapp group 08066655703
ReplyDeleteAdd me to ur whatsapps group pls, 08097534833
ReplyDeleteSir airtel psiphon unlimited cheat still working please
ReplyDeletewhat a country
ReplyDeleteGod bless nigeria
I got new airtel night data plan, alert me if u need it
ReplyDeleteI need it bro innocenteebe23@gmail.com
DeleteWizytech is the airtel opera mini sub still working?
ReplyDeleteEnter your comment... Nice and perfect work you do for free. I pray almighty Allah will reward u abundantly. Thumbs up for u after you nah you. Pls add me to urs whatsapp group if thr is any. 07037532595
ReplyDeleteNice post. Really like the way you explain everything from A - Z. Keep it up
Nice Post And Helpful one Here. Naijatechviral is wishing everyone Xmas celebration and prosperous new year in advances.
NAIJATECHVIRAL- Wishing everyone Xmas celebration and prosperous new year in advance.
oga wizy pls d MTN Daily Unlimited Data Plan I mean d one you subscribe wit 150 the tin is nt working
ReplyDeletewizy,DAT 100 naira Facebook is not powering up d psiphon and the opera mini is not downloading even after using roogen,I need ur help
ReplyDeleteI need help on DAT air tel 200 for 20 gb
ReplyDeleteI need help on DAT air tel 200 for 20 gb
ReplyDeleteI need help on DAT air tel 200 for 20 gb
ReplyDeleteOga wizy please add me to ur whatsapp group
Oga wizy please add me to ur whatsapp group
Pls add me up in ur watsap group; 07061510231