Hello WizyTechs Tweakers (WT), welcome to the year 2016. I will be sharing latest free browsing cheats on MTN, Etisalat, Airtel and Glo networks for the year 2016 that are still working as of the time of publishing this post.
last year was a great and successful one for smartphone and PC users in terms of free and cheap browsing tweaks available and 2016 will be even more awesome. I can remember when people were running away from smartphones just because of high cost of data subscription and the way Android devices zap data as if there is no tomorrow. But now, Android is the cheapest and easiest avenue to free and cheap browsing, downloading and video streaming.
last year was a great and successful one for smartphone and PC users in terms of free and cheap browsing tweaks available and 2016 will be even more awesome. I can remember when people were running away from smartphones just because of high cost of data subscription and the way Android devices zap data as if there is no tomorrow. But now, Android is the cheapest and easiest avenue to free and cheap browsing, downloading and video streaming.
Some of the working tweaks I will share here
was in use last year and they are still blazing this year as at the time of writing this. Though you might be using one or two of these tweaks but this post is made for new comers in the smartphone world and you that has been using it because I will keep on updating this post with latest cheats in subsequent weeks and months. Lets roll out free browsing cheats for December 2016. So keep on checking this page or bookmark our homepage on your web browser and keep updated with the latest from this blog. You can as well join thousands of our followers that receives free browsing tweaks free of charge, Just submit your email HERE and follow the prompt
Keep Checking Our Homepage For Recently Posted Free Browsing Cheats On All Networks. Click HERE To Go To Hompage
Keep Checking Our Homepage For Recently Posted Free Browsing Cheats On All Networks. Click HERE To Go To Hompage
We have as at now two cheats for Etisalat that is still working as of today. They are the Etisalat 4GB cheat and Etisalat socialme, and chat pack cheat. The 4GB is very easy to get as it envolves no settings or tweaking. It is totally free in your Etisalat SIM for you while the social pack and chat pack costs N500 and N150 respectively per month and the socialme cheats is unlimited.
We have as at now two cheats for Etisalat that is still working as of today. They are the Etisalat 4GB cheat and Etisalat socialme, and chat pack cheat. The 4GB is very easy to get as it envolves no settings or tweaking. It is totally free in your Etisalat SIM for you while the social pack and chat pack costs N500 and N150 respectively per month and the socialme cheats is unlimited.
I will advice you to go for the N500 monthly etisalat social me pack because it is more stable with Psiphon Pro Lite handler and it is very fast especially when you are in a location with very strong 3g network.
As for the 0.00 cheat, you must have a strong 3g network too and there must be 0.00 naira on your SIM. Also you should exercise patience because it can take as long as good 15 minutes before it connects and once it is connected, fire on!
Etisalat BBlite On Android With Psiphon And Tweakware
This cheat selects SIM in 2016 and its confirmed working up till now (for supported SIMs). it reminds us of MTN BBlited tweak. In this Etisalat BB10 data plans, you get a whooping 6gb data with either the daily, weekly or monthly plan and power it with Psiphon vpn or even tweakware mod. follow below guides to set it up on your android phone.
How to subscribe to etisalat BB10 (BBlite) via SMS
1. Send DLITE to 399costs N70/daily
2. Send WLite to 399 costs N350/weekly
3. Send MLite to 399 costs N1000/monthly
How To Use Etisalat BIS On Android
First of all, you need to configure your phone’s APN as below.
Go to your mobile APN settings and
use this below settings:
APN: blackberryx.net
Proxy: Empty
Port: Empty
Psiphon VPN Settings For Etisalat BIS On Android
Install the already downloaded Psiphon VPN in case you don't have it on your phone
then Launch the app
At the handler settings, configure it as below:
Proxy type: Real Host
Proxy server: blackberryid.blackberry.com
Then click on Save
Then go to your More Option settings and
untick connect through Http Proxy
Then wait for few seconds for it to Connect.
Tweakware Mod Settings:
Switch to Logs then Click on
Handler Menu
Its will request for Tweakware
childlock code then input
= cdce.imishiro.032990
After unlocking, use Real Host
as proxy type and then clear the
click.php in the proxy server and
with blackberryid.blackberry.
Click on Save
Go to SETTINGS and untick
connect through Http Proxy
Then go back to HOME and click
Etisalat NXTFWD Cheat
First of all, download Psiphon VPN app from Here (if you don't have it already)
Launch the app and configure it as follows
Tick Remove port
Proxy type: Real host
Proxy server: http://ent.nxtfwd.com/s/d/etisalat_ng#openModal
Real proxy type: HTTP or any others from the list
Real proxy port: 80
After that, tap on OPTIONS and select UNITED STATE as your region, then go to your MORE OPTIONS, and just untick Connect through an HTTP Proxy. As shown below; Read more about it here
How To Get Etisalat Free 4GB Data Trick
This trick does't require any tweaking or settings. All you need to do is to dial *8186# or *8186*1# and you will be given free 4GB just like that. This trick is still working as at April 2016. Follow the thread and see what others that have enjoyed it are saying. Click Here to join
Etisalat 0.00 Free Browsing Settings On Psiphon
You must have 0.00 airtime in your etisalat line. You don't have to load any card because it is totally free.
Download Psiphon Crack Version Here
Tick remove port
Proxy Type: Reverse Proxy
Proxy Server: mobile.facebook.com
Real Proxy Type: Inject
Real Proxy Server: ns393958.ovh.net
Real Proxy Port: 3128
Now Click Save
Turnel whole device
Got to options
Select Region: United States
Click on More Option
Tick connect through an HTTP
Tick use the following settings
Host Address:
Port: 3128
Go back and hit on connect
APN: Use default etisalat APN
It takes about 3 to 8 minutes to connect and it is very fast once connected.
You must have strong 3G network on your etisalat Line.
Unfortunately this trick is no more working. visit our home page for latest tweaks
I will advice you to go for the N500 monthly etisalat social me pack because it is more stable with Psiphon Pro Lite handler and it is very fast especially when you are in a location with very strong 3g network.
As for the 0.00 cheat, you must have a strong 3g network too and there must be 0.00 naira on your SIM. Also you should exercise patience because it can take as long as good 15 minutes before it connects and once it is connected, fire on!
Etisalat Socialme And Chat Pack Settings On Psiphon
Subscription Codes for Etisalat Chatpak And Socialme Plan
Codes For Etisalat social me
1. For Weekly sub dial *343*6*10# (costs N300)
2. For Monthly sub dial *343*6*11# or *343*5*7# (costs N500)
To opt out or deactivate any etisalat chatpak or social me plan, dial this code *343*5*0#
Send CHAT6 to 343
For Chat Pak weekly subscription, send CHAT3 to 343
Pisphon Settings For Etisalat Chat Pack
Download Psiphon Crack Version Here
Launch it
Subscription Codes for Etisalat Chatpak And Socialme Plan
Codes For Etisalat social me
1. For Weekly sub dial *343*6*10# (costs N300)
2. For Monthly sub dial *343*6*11# or *343*5*7# (costs N500)
To opt out or deactivate any etisalat chatpak or social me plan, dial this code *343*5*0#
Send CHAT6 to 343
For Chat Pak weekly subscription, send CHAT3 to 343
Pisphon Settings For Etisalat Chat Pack
Download Psiphon Crack Version Here
Launch it
Tick "remove port"
Proxy type - real host
Proxy server - www.twitter.com
Real Proxy server -
Real Proxy type - inject
Real Proxy type - inject
Host address
Port 80
tap on save
Now tap on "option"
And select...
Region : United States
Region : United States
NOTE: When you select any other country apart from USA, etisalat will be deducting your bonus airtime while you are browsing.
save and connect.
After that, hit Save and watch it connect.
If you are still confused, see Full Etisalat Socialme Latest Tricks Here
If you are still confused, see Full Etisalat Socialme Latest Tricks Here
Etisalat BBlite On Android With Psiphon And Tweakware
This cheat selects SIM in 2016 and its confirmed working up till now (for supported SIMs). it reminds us of MTN BBlited tweak. In this Etisalat BB10 data plans, you get a whooping 6gb data with either the daily, weekly or monthly plan and power it with Psiphon vpn or even tweakware mod. follow below guides to set it up on your android phone.
How to subscribe to etisalat BB10 (BBlite) via SMS
1. Send DLITE to 399costs N70/daily
2. Send WLite to 399 costs N350/weekly
3. Send MLite to 399 costs N1000/monthly
How To Use Etisalat BIS On Android
First of all, you need to configure your phone’s APN as below.
Go to your mobile APN settings and
use this below settings:
APN: blackberryx.net
Proxy: Empty
Port: Empty
Psiphon VPN Settings For Etisalat BIS On Android
Install the already downloaded Psiphon VPN in case you don't have it on your phone
then Launch the app
At the handler settings, configure it as below:
Proxy type: Real Host
Proxy server: blackberryid.blackberry.com
Then click on Save
Then go to your More Option settings and
untick connect through Http Proxy
Then wait for few seconds for it to Connect.
Tweakware Mod Settings:
Switch to Logs then Click on
Handler Menu
Its will request for Tweakware
childlock code then input
= cdce.imishiro.032990
After unlocking, use Real Host
as proxy type and then clear the
click.php in the proxy server and
with blackberryid.blackberry.
Click on Save
Go to SETTINGS and untick
connect through Http Proxy
Then go back to HOME and click
First of all, download Psiphon VPN app from Here (if you don't have it already)
Launch the app and configure it as follows
Tick Remove port
Proxy type: Real host
Proxy server: http://ent.nxtfwd.com/s/d/etisalat_ng#openModal
Real proxy type: HTTP or any others from the list
Real proxy port: 80
After that, tap on OPTIONS and select UNITED STATE as your region, then go to your MORE OPTIONS, and just untick Connect through an HTTP Proxy. As shown below; Read more about it here
How To Get Etisalat Free 4GB Data Trick
This trick does't require any tweaking or settings. All you need to do is to dial *8186# or *8186*1# and you will be given free 4GB just like that. This trick is still working as at April 2016. Follow the thread and see what others that have enjoyed it are saying. Click Here to join
Etisalat 0.00 Free Browsing Settings On Psiphon
You must have 0.00 airtime in your etisalat line. You don't have to load any card because it is totally free.
Download Psiphon Crack Version Here
Tick remove port
Proxy Type: Reverse Proxy
Proxy Server: mobile.facebook.com
Real Proxy Type: Inject
Real Proxy Server: ns393958.ovh.net
Real Proxy Port: 3128
Now Click Save
Turnel whole device
Got to options
Select Region: United States
Click on More Option
Tick connect through an HTTP
Tick use the following settings
Host Address:
Port: 3128
Go back and hit on connect
It takes about 3 to 8 minutes to connect and it is very fast once connected.
You must have strong 3G network on your etisalat Line.
Unfortunately this trick is no more working. visit our home page for latest tweaks
This cheat reigned last year on this blog until it stopped working but it resurfaced again in May, 2016 and still blazing at the moment. I will give you new Psiphon settings for Etisalat 0.00 cheat but the psiphon we will use is the cracked version called Zyphon..
You must have 0.00 or 0.01 in your Etisalat SIM
There must be strong 💪 3G or 4G network in your area. Once these are okay, you are good to go. See the settings below...
Zyphon Settings For Etisalat 0.00 Free Browsing Tweak
Download Zyphon Here
Now configure it as follows
→Tick remove port
→Proxy Type: real host
→Proxy Server: de.blackberry.com or web.blackberry.com
→Real Proxy Type: Inject
→Real Proxy Server: ns393958.ovh.net
→Real Proxy Port: 8080
Now Click Save
Turnel whole device Accept.
→Got to options
→Select Region:best performance
Click on More Option
→DONTTT....Tick connect through an HTTp
Its fast and cool.....
Go back and hit on connect
APN: Use default etisalat APN
NOTE: It takes about 3 to 8 minutes to connect and it is very fast once connected.
You must have strong 3G network on your etisalat Line.
For more information and screenshots of this tweak, click Etisalat 0.00 free browsing cheat 2016
This particular cheat doesn't need a magic IP or fast IP as it works without any IP and it is called etisalat IPless cheat. Check it out Etisalat IPless cheat
This cheat reigned last year on this blog until it stopped working but it resurfaced again in May, 2016 and still blazing at the moment. I will give you new Psiphon settings for Etisalat 0.00 cheat but the psiphon we will use is the cracked version called Zyphon..
You must have 0.00 or 0.01 in your Etisalat SIM
There must be strong 💪 3G or 4G network in your area. Once these are okay, you are good to go. See the settings below...
Zyphon Settings For Etisalat 0.00 Free Browsing Tweak
Download Zyphon Here
Now configure it as follows
→Tick remove port
→Proxy Type: real host
→Proxy Server: de.blackberry.com or web.blackberry.com
→Real Proxy Type: Inject
→Real Proxy Server: ns393958.ovh.net
→Real Proxy Port: 8080
Now Click Save
Turnel whole device Accept.
→Got to options
→Select Region:best performance
Click on More Option
→DONTTT....Tick connect through an HTTp
Its fast and cool.....
Go back and hit on connect
APN: Use default etisalat APN
NOTE: It takes about 3 to 8 minutes to connect and it is very fast once connected.
You must have strong 3G network on your etisalat Line.
For more information and screenshots of this tweak, click Etisalat 0.00 free browsing cheat 2016
This particular cheat doesn't need a magic IP or fast IP as it works without any IP and it is called etisalat IPless cheat. Check it out Etisalat IPless cheat
Note that MTN BBLITED is not currently working on all mtn SIM but there is a new trick and settings that you can apply to make it work again, See this post MTN BBLITED latest working settings
But if you still need the old method, then read on...
Many people dodged from using Android devices before because they can't do cheap subscriptions just like BlackBerry users but now Android users can easily use Glo and MTN BIS on their phone just like BB users with some tweaking. The good thing about MTN BBLITED is that IMEI tweaking is not involved. It is just the use of VPN apps like Simple Android Server, Psiphon or Tweakware. Here, I will give out the BBLITED settings on Psiphon.
Note that MTN BBLITED is not currently working on all mtn SIM but there is a new trick and settings that you can apply to make it work again, See this post MTN BBLITED latest working settings
But if you still need the old method, then read on...
Many people dodged from using Android devices before because they can't do cheap subscriptions just like BlackBerry users but now Android users can easily use Glo and MTN BIS on their phone just like BB users with some tweaking. The good thing about MTN BBLITED is that IMEI tweaking is not involved. It is just the use of VPN apps like Simple Android Server, Psiphon or Tweakware. Here, I will give out the BBLITED settings on Psiphon.
Subscribe To BBLITED With These USSD Codes
For daily sub, dial *216*3*1# or *216*7# (costs #70)
For weekly sub, dial *216*3*2# (costs #350)
For monthly sub, dial *216*3*3# (costs #1000)
Alternatively, *123# and follow instructions
For daily sub, dial *216*3*1# or *216*7# (costs #70)
For weekly sub, dial *216*3*2# (costs #350)
For monthly sub, dial *216*3*3# (costs #1000)
Alternatively, *123# and follow instructions
Launch your Psiphon handler
Use these settings...
Tick "remove port"
Proxy type - real host
Proxy server - web.blackberry.com
Real Proxy server -
Real Proxy type - inject
Host address
Port 8080
tap on save
Now tap on "option"
Use these settings...
Tick "remove port"
Proxy type - real host
Proxy server - web.blackberry.com
Real Proxy server -
Real Proxy type - inject
Host address
Port 8080
tap on save
Now tap on "option"
And select...
Region : United States
Still on the option page, look down you will see more options at the left hand side
Just tap on it and tick "connect through an HTTP"
tick on "Use system network setting"
Finally, go back to Psiphon homepage and tap on "connect"
With this you can start rocking MTN BIS on your Android. Remember all the MTN BBLITED plans have a data cap of 5GB
Region : United States
Still on the option page, look down you will see more options at the left hand side
Just tap on it and tick "connect through an HTTP"
tick on "Use system network setting"
Finally, go back to Psiphon homepage and tap on "connect"
With this you can start rocking MTN BIS on your Android. Remember all the MTN BBLITED plans have a data cap of 5GB
SEE ALSO... MTN 0facebook Cheat
MTN Free 150MB Game+ GM Cheat
Updated in June 2016: The MTN Game+ cheat resurfaced after it was blocked some months ago and as of now people are still enjoying it on this blog.
This particular cheat is like the MTN music plus but this time around, it is called gameplus MB but you can accumulate it and use to power all apps and browsers on your phone just the way we did with musicplus.
Launch your Psiphon Pro Lite handler
Use these settings...
Tick "remove port"
Proxy type - real host
Proxy server - game.mtnonline.com
Real Proxy server -
Real Proxy type - inject
Host address
Port 8080
tap on save
Now tap on "option"
And select...
Region : United States
Still on the option page, look down you will see more options at the left hand side
Just tap on it and tick "connect through an HTTP"
tick on "Use system network setting"
Finally, go back to Psiphon homepage and tap on "connect"
MTN Life Plus Plan Free Browsing Cheat
This "MTN lifeplus free browsing" trick was discovered recently in 2016 ant it is seen as an alternative to MTN musicplus which seems not to be working on all SIM cards at the moment
1. Get your mtn sim card
2. DIAL *460*6#
Am currently using it now
After using up the first 100mb
Go to your text message and send BT to 131
Then dial *460*6#
U are back on track
So all u need to it is
Opt in
Opt out
Vice versa
If after following the process above and it didn't work for you, repeat it again and join others that are flexing it right now. Don't miss out!
MTN Music Plus Cheat
Is MTN music plus still working? This is the highest question in this blog, in the Whatsapp group, at wizytechs Facebook page and Twitter handle. Many people got frustrated when they couldn't renew their MTN music plus MB even after sending cancel7d and cancel7i to 5900. This is as a result of recent system upgrade by MTN which restricts users of music plus from renewing it immediately the given free 150mb got expired. You can only renew it now after one week of exhausting. Me and you know that the beauty of this cheat is the renewing especially with SMS scheduler app which made it automatic that time. Anyway, the cheat is still working and surprisingly yesterday some WizyTechs readers told me that they renewed their own and I was surprised because even up till now, it is not getting renewed. Maybe it is working for some SIM. Just give it a try.
Is MTN music plus still working? This is the highest question in this blog, in the Whatsapp group, at wizytechs Facebook page and Twitter handle. Many people got frustrated when they couldn't renew their MTN music plus MB even after sending cancel7d and cancel7i to 5900. This is as a result of recent system upgrade by MTN which restricts users of music plus from renewing it immediately the given free 150mb got expired. You can only renew it now after one week of exhausting. Me and you know that the beauty of this cheat is the renewing especially with SMS scheduler app which made it automatic that time. Anyway, the cheat is still working and surprisingly yesterday some WizyTechs readers told me that they renewed their own and I was surprised because even up till now, it is not getting renewed. Maybe it is working for some SIM. Just give it a try.
To get FREE MTN music plus 150mb, send MUSIC to 5900
Psiphon Music Plus Settings
Psiphon Music Plus Settings
Proxy type - real host
Proxy server - musicplus.mtnonline.com/touch/index.html#index-page
Real Proxy server -
Real Proxy type - inject
Host address
Port 8080
Now go to options
Region : Japan
still under option, click on more option
Tick connect through HTTP
Tick connect through HTTP
Go back to the app psiphon menu.
Save and Connect
To check your MTN music plus data balance dial *559*2#
Just Like MTN BIS On Android, Musicplus developed Some Issues And NOT Working Perfectly Like Before But I also Have A New Working Method For MTN Musicplus, Click HERE
To check your MTN music plus data balance dial *559*2#
Just Like MTN BIS On Android, Musicplus developed Some Issues And NOT Working Perfectly Like Before But I also Have A New Working Method For MTN Musicplus, Click HERE
MTN 2go And Mega Blaast Cheat
Another blazing tweak on MTN is the 2go MB IMEI tweaking which involves tweaking a certain IMEI number that will give you free 3gb data to use and brows on all devices including iOS devices.
However, the MB suddenly stopped working for some people but the blaast cheat came up to solve it and even include more MB. This blast cheat works on only SIMs that have gotten the 2go MB so don't worry yourself trying it if you don't already have the 2go data. Checkout the Mtn blaast settings here
Psiphon Settings
Launch Psiphon
Tick proxy
Proxy type - real host
Proxy server -
Url: http://login.blaast.com or http://www.blaast.com/home.php
Real Proxy server -
Real Proxy type - inject
Host address
Port 8080
Now go to options
Region : Netherlands
still under option, click on more option
Tick connect through HTTP
Go back to the app psiphon menu.
Save and Connect
Another blazing tweak on MTN is the 2go MB IMEI tweaking which involves tweaking a certain IMEI number that will give you free 3gb data to use and brows on all devices including iOS devices.
However, the MB suddenly stopped working for some people but the blaast cheat came up to solve it and even include more MB. This blast cheat works on only SIMs that have gotten the 2go MB so don't worry yourself trying it if you don't already have the 2go data. Checkout the Mtn blaast settings here
Psiphon Settings
Launch Psiphon
Tick proxy
Proxy type - real host
Proxy server -
Url: http://login.blaast.com or http://www.blaast.com/home.php
Real Proxy server -
Real Proxy type - inject
Host address
Port 8080
Now go to options
Region : Netherlands
still under option, click on more option
Tick connect through HTTP
Go back to the app psiphon menu.
Save and Connect
To Set 2go Tweak Use This Settings On Your Psiphon...
Proxy type - real host
Proxy server - wap.2go.im/s/ZZbedfgGaeBCekQvl/
Real Proxy server -
Real Proxy type - inject
Host address
Port 80
Now go to options
Region : United States
still under option, click on more option
Tick connect through HTTP
Tick connect through HTTP
Go back to the app psiphon menu.
Save and Connect
SEE ALSO... List Of MTN 2go IMEI Numbers For Tweaking
MTN Free 750MB Cheat
The 750mb cheat envolves tweaking of IMEI number and once you tweak a valid IMEI number, you will be given free 750MB.
See list of valid MTN 750mb IMEI numbers for tweaking
The 750mb cheat envolves tweaking of IMEI number and once you tweak a valid IMEI number, you will be given free 750MB.
See list of valid MTN 750mb IMEI numbers for tweaking
MTN Jumapp Cheat
This is a Jumia cheat for Mtn users. You will be given some
Open your Psiphon handler
This is a Jumia cheat for Mtn users. You will be given some
Open your Psiphon handler
Under Proxy type select ‘‘real host”
Under Proxy server: jumia.com.ng

Then leave the others and save.
Then click on Option => More option. Under “proxy settings”’ check the “connect through an HTTP Proxy” box.
Mark Use the following settings
Host Address:
Port: 8080
Now hit on Connect!
This cheat works like the etisalat 0.00 cheat but connects faster on Netify VPN and you must have 0.00k in your mtn line for it to work perfectly. it is totally unlimited and opens every site and applications. MTN 0.00k cheat is working and can be used with Psiphon, SyphonShield, Netify, simple server and JWP app
In case you don't have Netify on your phone, download it HERE
Launch the Netify VPN application and use the below settings;
YOU MIGHT LIKE... Free MTN 150mb As Of March 2016
Tick remove port
proxy type- REAL HOST
proxy server- http://mtnonline.com/data-reset
Or use this
Or www.musicplus.mtnoline.com/data-reset
real proxy type- inject
real proxy port-80
Click on save
Accept whole device tunneling
Click the Ninja icon to go to more options menu and tick connect through an HTTP
PORT– 8080
Now go back to the netify main menu and hit the connect button
Unfortunately, mtn 0.00 cheat is no more working as at the time i last updated this article but i will keep you guys updated when i have a fix for it
SEE ALSO... Simple Server Settings for MTN 0.00 Cheat
update April 2016!!! magic sim not working any more
MTN magic SIM is back and working again in 2016 after it was blocked last year. This time around, i will reveal to you the secrete method to make it work for you one time. Remember that MTN magic SIM cheat is unlimited browsing and it doesn't require any VPN app in other to use it. The validity period is unlimited until any day MTN want to block it.
How To Activate MTN Magic SIM On Your Phone
1. migrated from MTN Trutalk to MTN Ipulse for better result.
2. transfer N250 to the SIM or recharge N300
This cheat works like the etisalat 0.00 cheat but connects faster on Netify VPN and you must have 0.00k in your mtn line for it to work perfectly. it is totally unlimited and opens every site and applications. MTN 0.00k cheat is working and can be used with Psiphon, SyphonShield, Netify, simple server and JWP app
In case you don't have Netify on your phone, download it HERE
Launch the Netify VPN application and use the below settings;
YOU MIGHT LIKE... Free MTN 150mb As Of March 2016
Tick remove port
proxy type- REAL HOST
proxy server- http://mtnonline.com/data-reset
Or use this
Or www.musicplus.mtnoline.com/data-reset
real proxy type- inject
real proxy port-80
Click on save
Accept whole device tunneling
Click the Ninja icon to go to more options menu and tick connect through an HTTP
PORT– 8080
Now go back to the netify main menu and hit the connect button
Unfortunately, mtn 0.00 cheat is no more working as at the time i last updated this article but i will keep you guys updated when i have a fix for it
SEE ALSO... Simple Server Settings for MTN 0.00 Cheat
update April 2016!!! magic sim not working any more
MTN magic SIM is back and working again in 2016 after it was blocked last year. This time around, i will reveal to you the secrete method to make it work for you one time. Remember that MTN magic SIM cheat is unlimited browsing and it doesn't require any VPN app in other to use it. The validity period is unlimited until any day MTN want to block it.
How To Activate MTN Magic SIM On Your Phone
1. migrated from MTN Trutalk to MTN Ipulse for better result.
2. transfer N250 to the SIM or recharge N300
3. dial *131*1*4*1# to subscribe for MTN 2 hours data plan and N250 will be removed from your SIM
4. browse for 9 minutes from 4:56pm to 5:04pm ( You can do your own at any time. But the browsing should not exceed 10 minutes) i hope you get the trick here
5. remove the SIM and keep it for 24 hours 24 minutes. Put the SIM back at 5:30pm the following day
6. As soon as you insert the SIM, You will receive a message from MTN that goes like this
4. browse for 9 minutes from 4:56pm to 5:04pm ( You can do your own at any time. But the browsing should not exceed 10 minutes) i hope you get the trick here
5. remove the SIM and keep it for 24 hours 24 minutes. Put the SIM back at 5:30pm the following day
6. As soon as you insert the SIM, You will receive a message from MTN that goes like this
" Y'ello! Your 2hrs 1-Day Data plan has expired.................." .
Just ignore the message and continue flexing and browsing with your MTN magic sim 2016 unlimited. What are you still waiting for when guys have downloaded more than 80GB worth of files online with this cheat. Start yours now. No dulling.
Airtel 3GB BIS Plan On Android And PC

Do you know you can use airtel blackberry plan of 3GB for on your android devices and PC? It is very simple to achieve. it doesn't require any special tweaking or use of VPN applications. See how to get yours done on your smartphone now HERE just follow below steps
Importance Of Airtel BIS On Android And PC
==> You don't need any VPN application to power it
==> There is no speed throttling
==> Airtel Network is very fast in most locations in the country
==> It is more affordable than glo blackberry plan on android
==> It doesn’t eat up your data the manner normal Airtel Android plan does
==> It is very simple to activate
==> Airtel Blackberry plan is official.
Things Required
==> Blackberry 10 IMEI
==> Ability to tweak IMEI (see how to tweak IMEI here
==> Activation of the plan
How To Tweak Blackberry 10 IMEI To Enjoy Airtel Blackberry Plan On Android
It is very simple and if you have been using glo BIS on android, this trick will be too familiar to you. All you need to do is to tweak this Blackberry 10 IMEI 356760051192 and add any three digit of your choice to it in other to complete it to 15 digits.
==> Input the known 12 digits e.g 356760051192
==> Put 3 digits to the 12 digits above to complete 15 digits e.g 356760051192549 and validate IMEI
Normally, once you add the last three digits, the IMEI should be complete and valid but to make sure it is really valid, use IMEI analyzer to validate it.
✔ How To Add IMEI Numbers To Your Android Phone
How To Activate Airtel Blackberry Plan Of 3GB For N1000
==> Dial this code *431# to subscribe to airtel blackberry data plan of 3gb
==> Phone APN should be internet.ng.airtel.com
==> To check your airtel data balance, dial *140#
How Do I Use It On PC
Its very simple, once you have activated it on your android device, and it starts browsing, just tether it via hotspot with your PC or any other device. You can also use USB chord to connect it.
Airtel 0.00 Free Browsing Cheat Via Video.ng.airtellive.com
This free browsing cheat was discovered in July 2016. Airtel users are able to browse free unlimited with Psiphon and other VPN apps.
=> You must have 0.00 naira on your airtel line
=> You must not be on any active data plan
=> Clear your Psiphon or any other vpn data and cache
Leave your phone APN to the default settings.
Download Psiphon pro lite, Pronet or Netify VPN (anyone can work)
Configure it as follows:
proxy type: Real host
Proxy server: video.ng.airtellive.com
Real proxy type: default
Click save
Choose USA as location
Then go to more options and untick connect via http
Finally go back to the app menu and start the VPN. It should connect within 20 seconds.
NEXT... Airtel 1GB For Just N60 Cheat
Nothing much to say on this and it requires no sort of tweaking. It works on some selected Airtel sim cards. Just try it and see if you will be lucky to get yours.
Checkout the codes to dial for Airtel 1gb data for just N60
Airtel 0.00 Free Browsing Cheat Settings On Psiphon
Set it up as follows...
Settings for Psiphon:
Tick remove port
Proxy Type: Real Host
Proxy Server: free.facebook.com
Real Proxy Type: Inject
Real Proxy Server:
Real Proxy Port: 3128
Now click Save
Tunnel whole device.
Got to options,
Select Region: Best Performance
Click on More Option
Tick connect through an HTTP Tick use the following settings Host Address:
Port: 3128
Go back and hit on connect
Second Method Below...
Tick remove port
Proxy Type: Reverse Proxy
Proxy Server: bit.ly/Airtel-wlcma
Proxy Type: Reverse Proxy
Proxy Server: bit.ly/Airtel-wlcma
Real Proxy Type: Inject
Real Proxy Server:
Real Proxy Port: 3128
Now Click Save
Real Proxy Server:
Real Proxy Port: 3128
Now Click Save
Turnel whole device
Got to options
Select Region: Best Performance
Click on More Option
Select Region: Best Performance
Click on More Option
Tick connect through an HTTP
Tick use the following settings
Host Address:
Port: 3128
Go back and hit on connect
Tick use the following settings
Host Address:
Port: 3128
Go back and hit on connect
Wait for about 5 to 8 minutes and it should connect.
Airtel WTF Unlimited Browsing Cheat
Airtel WTF Unlimited Browsing Cheat
How Can I Subscribe To Airtel WTF Bundle?
=> To get the bundle plan for one month, dial *990# for just N200
=> And to get the bundle for one week, dial *991# for just N100
How Can I Check The Data Balance?
To check your data balance, dial *990*0#
How To Brows Unlimited On The Internet With It
As i told you earlier, you can browse with this plan which is only meant for social media but the trick is changing your airtel APN to the right one and use Opera Mini to brows as it doesn't work on UC browser. Am still trying to see how to use it on PC and maybe use it to power all applications using VPN apps like Psiphon and Netloop.
Use this airtel APN – internet.ng.airtel.com
4. Glo BIS On Android
This is one of the oldest cheats on android devices though so many people are not using it because of poor network coverage of Glo but trust me, it has been saving many from expensive data subscription. One interesting thing about Glo BIS on Android is that, the data is accumulative. That is, you can get 3gb for 1k and subscribe again for 1k and get 6gb and 9gb for 3k and so on.
This is one of the oldest cheats on android devices though so many people are not using it because of poor network coverage of Glo but trust me, it has been saving many from expensive data subscription. One interesting thing about Glo BIS on Android is that, the data is accumulative. That is, you can get 3gb for 1k and subscribe again for 1k and get 6gb and 9gb for 3k and so on.

To enjoy and use Glo BIS on your Android phone, you need to tweak a blackberry IMEI number into your Android phone. See my post on how to change IMEI and use BIS on it
"Glo 0.0kb Free Browsing Cheat Settings With Psiphon" is one of the latest free browsing cheat that surfaced in July 2016. It requires 3g network for it to connect and work although it disconects frequently. You should also have 0.00 in your glo sim that you are using for the tweaking. Below is how to set it up with Psiphon pro lite handler vpn. It can also be used with "Tweakware Mod"
APN Settings
Use glo default APN
Psiphon Settings For Glo 0.00 Unlimited Free Browsing Trick 2016
✔ Launch Your Psiphon Or Netify VPN
✔ Untick Remove Port
✔ Proxy type: Real Host
✔ Proxy server: redirect.glo.com
✔ Real proxy type: Default
✔ Real proxy server: leave it blank
✔ Real proxy port: 80
✔ Now tap on Save.
Under more options, untick connect through host address and go back and connect.
Tweakware Settings For Glo 0.00 Cheat
The latest version of tweakware v3.2 now supports glo 0.00 cheat and its working as of the time of publishing this post.
APN Settings
APN NAME: gloflat
APN: gloflat
Port: 8080
Username and password: gloflat
(Or use the default Glo APN settings)
How To Use Glo 0.00 Tweak Via Tweakware VPN
=> Install the latest tweakware that you downloaded earlier
=> Launch the app and use the following settings
=> Go to Settings
=> Bundle Settings
=> Select Bundle Settings, then tap on NG GLO 0.0.
=> Now return to the app homepage and select Free Server (if you don't have premium account)
Finally, hit the connect button and it should connect within few seconds.
Read more about this glo tweak here Glo 0.00 Cheat 2016
Syphonshield Settings For Glo 0.00kb Free Browsing
Download Sypon Shield v3.1.3 Apk Here
APN Settings
✔ Name: WizyTechs
✔ APN: glounlimitedzone or glosecure
✔ APN Type: Tick Default & Supl
✔ Proxy: leave it blank
✔ Port: leave it blank
Launch Sypon Shield, in the handler menu, set it up as below
✔ Filter: @
✔ Add Port or non-Port URL: 9201
✔ Tick Remove Port
✔ Proxy Type: Real Host
✔ Proxy Server: redirect.glo.com
✔ Real Proxy Server Type: Inject or Socks
✔ Real Proxy Server: his.glo.com/portal
✔ Port: 8080
After that, select save and click on “tunnel whole device”.
✔ Click on the option tab
✔ Region: select, United States or any other server
✔ Don’t tick connect through HTTP Proxy
Then wait for few seconds for it to Connect.
That is it for now guys. I hope you can select one and be using as new tweaks come up. Keep visiting this blog regularly for latest available cheats.
APN Settings
Use glo default APN
Psiphon Settings For Glo 0.00 Unlimited Free Browsing Trick 2016
✔ Launch Your Psiphon Or Netify VPN
✔ Untick Remove Port
✔ Proxy type: Real Host
✔ Proxy server: redirect.glo.com
✔ Real proxy type: Default
✔ Real proxy server: leave it blank
✔ Real proxy port: 80
✔ Now tap on Save.
Under more options, untick connect through host address and go back and connect.
Tweakware Settings For Glo 0.00 Cheat
The latest version of tweakware v3.2 now supports glo 0.00 cheat and its working as of the time of publishing this post.
APN Settings
APN NAME: gloflat
APN: gloflat
Port: 8080
Username and password: gloflat
(Or use the default Glo APN settings)
How To Use Glo 0.00 Tweak Via Tweakware VPN
=> Install the latest tweakware that you downloaded earlier
=> Launch the app and use the following settings
=> Go to Settings
=> Bundle Settings
=> Select Bundle Settings, then tap on NG GLO 0.0.
=> Now return to the app homepage and select Free Server (if you don't have premium account)
Finally, hit the connect button and it should connect within few seconds.
Read more about this glo tweak here Glo 0.00 Cheat 2016
Syphonshield Settings For Glo 0.00kb Free Browsing
Download Sypon Shield v3.1.3 Apk Here
APN Settings
✔ Name: WizyTechs
✔ APN: glounlimitedzone or glosecure
✔ APN Type: Tick Default & Supl
✔ Proxy: leave it blank
✔ Port: leave it blank
Launch Sypon Shield, in the handler menu, set it up as below
✔ Filter: @
✔ Add Port or non-Port URL: 9201
✔ Tick Remove Port
✔ Proxy Type: Real Host
✔ Proxy Server: redirect.glo.com
✔ Real Proxy Server Type: Inject or Socks
✔ Real Proxy Server: his.glo.com/portal
✔ Port: 8080
After that, select save and click on “tunnel whole device”.
✔ Click on the option tab
✔ Region: select, United States or any other server
✔ Don’t tick connect through HTTP Proxy
Then wait for few seconds for it to Connect.
That is it for now guys. I hope you can select one and be using as new tweaks come up. Keep visiting this blog regularly for latest available cheats.
If you want to be the first to receive my next free browsing cheat free of charge, just submit your email HERE and all our updates will be delivered to you free of charge. You can as well download WizyTechs android app from our homepage to start recieving free notifications on your phone whenever there is a new browsing cheat posted on this blog.
This me officially saying Happy New Year
ReplyDeleteThanks 😊 so much
ReplyDeleteBut the 2go mb is not more connecting for me, please help me out, am having 17,925 mb since
Tenx Wizy Baba. Your blog made my year in 2015. God bless the day I stumbled on this wonderful blog. You rock bro
DeleteHarun, why is urs not browsing. My 2go MB is working fine for me with blaast mega
Is it with the syphon?
DeletePls add me to your WhatsApp group 0813 245 8839 tanks
ReplyDeletePls add me to your WhatsApp group 0813 245 8839 tanks
ReplyDeleteAnton from ijebu ode
ReplyDeleteWizy happy new year.
ReplyDeleteI am using ETI social me, I theater it with hotspot to my PC but refuse to browse.
I got pdanet ant unlock theater, it still don't open page rather redirect to 'buy etisalat home page'.
But when I use ETI 0.0, it connects my PC and browse.
Pls what is really the problem that I can't use it with social me subscription?
Help. Thanks.
Hi Ifeanyi, I wish you all the best in 2016
DeleteTo your question, make sure you download PdaNet on your phone and on your PC.
Tick connect through USB on both phone and PC. Use an original USB chord and connect.
It should start browsing on your phone. PdaNet doesn't support WiFi connection on all phones.
Good day my friends, congratulations to every one who subscribed to us on our unique fixed matches this weekend, our first timers can joyfully say matches can be fixed. Because of the benefits they got from it, Here is another golden opportunity to increase your account this weekend. Partake on our fixed odds of 928 and 60. Call me or WhatsApp me on +2349057261399. My games are 100% percent sure.
DeleteGood evening wizy I have a question and I know it might sound crazy please how do I know the imei am tweaking have not been used using imei analyser.. .. Kos after analysing an imei it either shows me the brand of the phone or shows brand:N/A(not avaliable) thanks and god bless
ReplyDeleteHi JaJaheel, you can't know
Deletebrah don't know how authentic it is a friend just texted me to send stop7d for that musicplus....
DeleteYes it is working but you can't renew it until one week
DeleteGood day my friends, congratulations to every one who subscribed to us on our unique fixed matches this weekend, our first timers can joyfully say matches can be fixed. Because of the benefits they got from it, Here is another golden opportunity to increase your account this weekend. Partake on our fixed odds of 928 and 60. Call me or WhatsApp me on +2349057261399. My games are 100% percent sure.
DeletePls I can't download the psiphon apk. What am I not getting right?
ReplyDeleteDownload Psiphon Handler apk Android app here
Delete👍👍👍 wizytech
ReplyDeletePls what is d etisalat #500 pack code
ReplyDeleteThis is the code for subscribing Etisalat socialme plan *343*6*11# (Cost N500)
DeletePls add my no 08107662761 to ur whatsapp group
Deletehello Wizy,please i want to know how i can share my connection on hotspot.i'm using the mtn musicplus data to browse....secondly,my 2go and blaast data are browsing well on browser and downloading using simple server but it refuses to power my whatsapp even using with autoproxy,what should i do
ReplyDeleteHi Kanny see my post on how to share your phone connection through hotspot
DeleteI will advise you to use Psiphon for your blaast and 2go data. It Powers all apps
YEA Wizy mine too. It powers my internet apps and very few social apps but it doesnt power Whatsapp md Fb.
ReplyDeleteI used the setting u gave and autoproxy too.
Pls help i need a solution.
Hi confidence see the above reply I gave to kanny
DeleteAdd me to ur whatapp group : 08133666139
DeletePls add me to your whatsapp group 07033746654
ReplyDeleteNice one dude.
ReplyDeleteYou can add me to ur WhatsApp group @08146820829.I have some modifications on 2go sas settings
Curse or thank me later.
plse add me to ur whatsapp 08092832221
ReplyDeleteplse add me to ur whatsapp group 08092832221
ReplyDeleteIt works,
ReplyDeletePlease add me to ur group #happy_new_year
It works,
ReplyDeletePlease add me to ur group on whatsapp 08120648750 #happy_new_year
It works,
ReplyDeletePlease add me to ur group on whatsapp 08120648750 #happy_new_year
It works,
ReplyDeletePlease add me to ur group on whatsapp 08120648750 #happy_new_year
Wizy.... You doing a great job here... I realy wish I can be one of your admin both here and wtsapp group.... I have some new imei, ips, and cheats working on at the moment.... My number 07033301477... Am already in the wtsapp group 2,and am Ogedengbe A. O
ReplyDeleteHi Ogedemgbe, contact me on Whatsapp and let me know you are the one
DeleteAdd me 08133666139
DeleteFor free browsing Android phone and laptop group massage me on whatsapp 07084071869
ReplyDeleteAdd me to your whatsapp 08066092738
DeleteAdd me :08133666139
Delete0209424166...add me please
Deleteadd me in ur whatsapp group 07039795616
ReplyDeletepls add me on whatsapp...08130882372
ReplyDeletePls add me to your WhatsApp group 08061678063
ReplyDeletePls add me to ur whatsapp group@ 09086365688
ReplyDeletePls Wizzy baba add your boy up on whatsapp group 08064142533. Gracious
ReplyDeleteadd me pls to the whatsapp group 08139600460
ReplyDeleteadd me pls to the whatsapp group 08139600460
ReplyDeleteplease add me to the whatsapp group chat on 08143517104
ReplyDelete08143517104 add me for the whatsapp group chat
ReplyDeletethe psiphon says d phone must be rooted b4 tunnelling all apps.
ReplyDeleteNo bro. Psiphone doesnt need rooting except for much older version of android operating system
DeleteAdd me on whatsapp 07039305704
Delete08166505903 add me for the nwhatsapp group chat
ReplyDeletePls add me on whatsapp 09034028958
ReplyDeletePlease add me to your whatsapp group 08142879433
ReplyDeleteI have been requesting for this since
Nice one brother, but abeg anything for the windows phone users, i don tire for 2500 sub on mtn. Please i need for either mtn, etisalat or airtel in that order. Glo is very bad in my area. Thanks boss
ReplyDeleteAm cooking up something for windows phone right now. and it will come with config files
DeleteHello Wizy Tech....much appreciated your work for helping the common guys. Please does the above cheat with any of the networks works on Laptop. I need something with any of the networks that works inside a modem to use with a laptop....either a free cheat or something cheap for a monthly subscription.....I wait your response..Thanks
DeletePls add me on whatsapp 07036703479
DeletePls add me to group on whatsapp. 08096687275
ReplyDeleteplease, add to the whatsapp group 08179665449
ReplyDeleteplease, add to the whatsapp group 08179665449
ReplyDeletePls is mtn cheat still working
ReplyDeleteAdmin pls add me on whatsapp 07035588743
Pls add me to the group 08097197238
ReplyDeletepls add me to your whatsapp group 08128785210
ReplyDeletePlease add me on the whtapp group 07030169197
ReplyDeleteplease ooh abeg, does the MTN 0.00 works on pc!!!
ReplyDeletePlease add me to your whatsapp group 08162891135.If you have been added, post my number to the group so I can be added quickly
ReplyDeleteAdd me 08034337220
ReplyDeletePls add me to your group 07084779017
ReplyDeletePlease add me to your grouo on whats app 08063379664
ReplyDeletei like ur works wizy want to enjoy more please add me to ur whatsapp group 08166449480
ReplyDeletePls add me +233546536962
ReplyDeletePlz add me 08036929758
ReplyDeletePlease add me to your watsapp group. 08134473212. Thanks
ReplyDeletePlease add me 2 ur Whatsapp groupgroup thanks
Add me 08100259873
ReplyDeletePls add me 08035965251
ReplyDeleteGood day my friends, congratulations to every one who subscribed to us on our unique fixed matches this weekend, our first timers can joyfully say matches can be fixed. Because of the benefits they got from it, Here is another golden opportunity to increase your account this weekend. Partake on our fixed odds of 928 and 60. Call me or WhatsApp me on +2349057261399. My games are 100% percent sure.
ReplyDeleteGood day my friends, congratulations to every one who subscribed to us on our unique fixed matches this weekend, our first timers can joyfully say matches can be fixed. Because of the benefits they got from it, Here is another golden opportunity to increase your account this weekend. Partake on our fixed odds of 928 and 60. Call me or WhatsApp me on +2349o57261399. My games are 100% percent sure.
ReplyDeletePls add me to your WhatsApp group. 08111881285
ReplyDeletePls add me on whatsapp 08062085551
ReplyDeletePls add me to your whatsapp group 08062244837
ReplyDeleteAdd me to ur wharsapp group 08185359048
ReplyDelete08027017826 add me to ur whatsapp group
ReplyDeletePls how I need d 2go gd imel
ReplyDelete08175636587 pls add me to your whatsap group
ReplyDelete08175636587 pls add me to your whatsap group
ReplyDeleteOne thing with ur blog is that the posts here don't have dates, how are we suppose to know the latest & still working ones, work on that pls & thanks for ur effort
ReplyDeleteIt has date bro. Check the title or simply visit the homepage by clicking wizytechs.com for the latest updates and time it was published. The more you visit the blog, the more you get used to it.
Good work bro i just like the cheat you posted and most of them are working thanks for the good job
ReplyDeleteDoes the free browsing work in Ghana also?
ReplyDeletePlease add for group chat ...
08147836308 pls add 2 whatsapp group chat
ReplyDeleteplease whatsapp 08161724497
ReplyDeletebro keep it up i really enjoyed the long list you published here
ReplyDeleteTenx bro. You are welcm
DeleteThanks a lot it worked for me.You guys can as well use your free browsing to make money online. Its free.Earn real money online by working as a part time job easily, earn up to 2500$ dollars weekly guranteed join link at http://dollarcell.com/app.php?invite=175295
ReplyDeletecan i use any of these on my pc?
ReplyDeletePlease add me to ur whatsapp group..07062517400
ReplyDeletePls add me on whatsapp
ReplyDeletePlease I need free browsing on mtn using VPN add me on WhatsApp group 08184390295
ReplyDeletepls Add me to your whatsapp group 08038696926
ReplyDeleteAdmin u re really doing a great job. pls kindly add me to your whatsapp group 08038696926.thanks
ReplyDeletePlus add me to your whatsapp group 08065898514
ReplyDeletei love this very much, please how can i join your whatsapp group
ReplyDeleteAdd me to your whatsapp group 08085256232 pls
ReplyDeleteThanks so much for the cheat, please add me up in your WhatsApp group 08063469024 I'll be waiting
ReplyDeleteWizzytech pls add me to ur group
Add my mobile to ur WhatsApp group pls 08097534833
ReplyDeletePlace add my number to your whatsapp group 07031855580.
ReplyDeleteI think the new mtn whatsapp goodybag of 60naira per month should be looked into, i feel it can be twerked
ReplyDeleteplease add my number to your whatsapp group 08144490507
ReplyDeleteYou need the Sliide Airtime App! Use my code MAX99 when signing up and get 100 Naira free airtime. www.sliideairtime.ng/refer
ReplyDeletePls sir add me up on ur watsap plz
ReplyDeletePlz sir add me up in ur watsap group plz 08179701211
ReplyDeleteAdd me 08130059356
ReplyDeleteit works for india?
ReplyDeletePlease add me to ur whatsapp group +16314002626
ReplyDeletepls i want to knw does d #500(mnthly) social pak work with netify? and is it faster dan d #150 plan??
ReplyDeletepls does d #500 eti social pak plan work with netify?? Cos u mentioned it being more stable with d psiphon pro lite handler. or is d netify d same as d psiphon??
ReplyDeleteYes it works with Netify.
DeleteThey are same VPN apps but with different mode and developers
Ok Sir, which do u advice me to subscribe for? d #150 or #500 plan for eti? which is faster or better i mean
DeleteOk Sir,
Deletepls which plan works better with d netify? d #150 or d #500 eti plan
Etisalat Socialme N500 is better and faster than chatpak N150
Deleteok thnx sir. one more tin, if wen am connected to d socialme #500, can i use d data(hotspot) on my laptop??
Deleteif am connected to d socialme #500, can i use d data on my laptop??
DeleteSee how to use it HERE
V bn trying to connect since morning n not going thru..pls help
ReplyDeleteAdd me to your whatsapp group of 08112046212
ReplyDeletePls oga wizy,is d etisalat cheat social pack and DAT chat pack still working well a.....pls I nid to browse
ReplyDeleteYest its still working
DeletePlease is mtn free browsing working, and I can't subscriber to mtnlite weekly plan I av used all the method but i can't subscriber to it please add me on WhatsApp 07037082355
ReplyDelete0209424166....add me please :-)
ReplyDeletePlease add me on whatsapp 07053396353
ReplyDeleteThanks bro... Whalai you are the best... I love ya... 08165103439...plz add me to ya group on whatsapp
ReplyDeleteAdd me to the group 07032666702
ReplyDeletePls is etisalat 0 .0# still working using psiphon ..
ReplyDeleteIs etisalat 0.0# still working with psiphon?
ReplyDeleteIs etisalat 0.0# still working?
ReplyDeleteAdd me on WhatsApp group 08097726199
ReplyDeletePlz ....add me to your whatsapp group plz 08133646073
ReplyDeletePlz ...add me to your whatsapp group plz
ReplyDeleteAdd me on WhatsApp group pls 08164798125
ReplyDeleteThanks add me to your group 08079360418 http://naijasturf.ga
ReplyDeletePls help me oga wizy,d etisalat social pack is not work for me ooo av try every tin possible to make it work but is not working and av subscribe to social pack oo,pls help wht can I do again
ReplyDeleteNice blog with ALOT of infos
ReplyDeleteHere is my blog too
Please how do i set up etisalat open vpn for iphone. The problem i have is importing. Please
ReplyDeletePls add me 09093898045
ReplyDeletepls add me-08053772326
DeletePls add me to whatsapp 08162982544
ReplyDeleteYou all has been added
ReplyDeleteplz add mine too 08137507584
ReplyDeletePls add me up 08065610840
ReplyDeleteYou all has been added to the group
ReplyDeleteKindly add me up on your whatsap group 08038258610
ReplyDeletePls add me oo:08107058136
ReplyDeletePls add me too 08114099880
ReplyDeletepleaseadd me to the group
Pls add to whatsapp group
Pls add me on your whtapp group here is my no 08137893766
ReplyDeletePls add me up on your whtapp my is 08137893766 pls
ReplyDeleteWizytechs Pls add me up on your whtapp my no is 08137893766
ReplyDeletePls add me up on your whtapp my no is 08137893766
ReplyDeletePls add me up on your whtapp my no is 08137893766
ReplyDeleteWizytechs pls add me up on your whtapp group my no is 08137893766
ReplyDelete08061274581....please add me
ReplyDeletePls add me up onnypur whatsapp group 08027371206
ReplyDeleteand me up 07063218471 to d Group
ReplyDeleteand me up 07063218471 to d Group
ReplyDeleteand me up 07063218471 to d Group
ReplyDeletePls add me on d watsapp group admin 08157186593
ReplyDeletePlease add me too 08132909269
ReplyDeleteWizy, Mtn just gave us free 2gb for bb buh not working on android pls work on it... WhatsApp: 08102125164
ReplyDeletePls add my num to ure group chat 0703 232 1935
ReplyDeletepls add me 08184308820
ReplyDeleteBaba add me to ur whatsapp group pls 07033843947
DeletePls guys add me 08151586974
DeletePlss add me on WhatsApp my guys 08151586975
ReplyDeleteHi wizy, I hv try how to tweak my Android & pispon but i can't still browse free. Pls add me on ur whatsapp group 08164116052 Tnx baba wizy
ReplyDeleteAdd me 07066156633
ReplyDelete07061909016 pls add me to your whatsapp group page
Please add me to your whatsapp tweaking group 08102122708
ReplyDeletePls add me on your whatsapp group 08096397419
ReplyDeletePlease add me to your whatsapp group 08061557498
ReplyDeletePlease add me to your whatsapp group 08061557498
ReplyDeleteadd me to ur wattsapp 08136544191
ReplyDeleteadd me to ur wattsapp 08136544191
ReplyDeletePls add 08163559808 to ur WhatsApp group
ReplyDeletePls add 08163559808 to ur WhatsApp group
ReplyDeletePlz add 08051043612 to our WhatsApp group
ReplyDeleteadd me on whatsapp group 08102718882