Do You Know You Can Use Glo Blackberry Data Plan of N1,500 For Just N1,000 & Still Enjoy All its Features?

We cannot leave without internet data; there is no doubt about that. we are in the level and stage in the world that internet data is becoming more important than airtime (credit).
I take myself as an example. I can stay some hours without airtime on my phone but the same cannot be said about internet data. It has actually become a part of my life and i know am not the only one in this situation.
Almost everything we do with our phones now requires internet connection and any smartphone user that does not have internet connection in his or her phone is in actually in the same level with someone who is not using a smartphone. Internet data is very necessary and its importance to our every day life cannot be overemphasized.

Having said that, we all know that Glo Blackberry Complete Month (comonth) only allows one email address, while Glo's Blackberry absolute (BBA) month allwos up to ten web based email addresses with Blackberry Protect feature activated.
However, in this tutorial, you are going to learn how to be using up to five different email accounts with just the N1000 subscription.
So if you belong to the category of individuals who have more than one email accounts but you don;t want to spend or subscribe more than N1000 on Glo BIS subscription, this is for you. Kindly follow the steps i will give below.
Recall that data charges on Blackberry Complete (Comonth) is slightly higher than that of Blackberry Absolute (BBA)

How To Use Glo Comonth Of N1000 & Enjoy BBA Of #1,500 Features

  1. Recharge your line with 1,500
  2. Activate Blackberry Absolute BBA plan by dialing *777*23#
  3. After dialing that USSD code, you will receive 3GB data
  4. Activate the number of web based email address you want to add to your device, blackberry protect etc  use it and exhaust the 3GB before the expiration of 30days (make sure you finish the whole MB before 30days expire)
  5. Immediately you exhaust that 3GB, quickly activate Glo Comomth by dialing *777*21#
  6. N1,000 will be deducted from your account and Comonth plan will be activated for you. While other features of your former Blackberry Absolute features remain active.
That is it guys. Now to extend the data expiration period, just top up your data and continue enjoying the features of the N1500 with just N1000 subscription

So why pay N1,500 for Blackberry Absolute when you can enjoy its features for just N1,000… The ball is in your court.

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1 comment:

  1. I'm among those that can't stay in a day without having data in my phone.
